This is what tourists in China face: feeding by bots, video chat cameras and artificial intelligence thermometers

This is what tourists in China face: feeding by bots, video chat cameras and artificial intelligence thermometers

It is undoubtedly the most modern quarantine center in the world. It’s high-tech and highly advanced, says Yanzhong Huang, senior fellow in global health at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in an official statement.

The quarantine center he’s targeting is the Guangzhou International Health Center in south China’s Guangdong Province.

It is a giant complex of buildings that will welcome travelers from all over the world. Writes a total of 5,000 rooms ready soon to receive an increasing number of foreign tourists CNN.

Closed for a year and a half

For more than 18 months, China has closed its borders to foreigners. Now it opens gently. But the Chinese authorities are not taking risks, fearing new outbreaks and the risk of imported infections.

The few who have been allowed into China so far, including returning Chinese nationals, must undergo at least two weeks of mandatory hotel quarantine, followed by another week of isolation at home. This also applies to fully vaccinated Chinese.

From now on, passengers arriving at a Chinese airport in Guangzhou will be immediately transported by buses directly from the airport. Then the flight goes to the new quarantine center. A tourist must stay here for at least two weeks.

Feed by robots to reduce infection

Each room is equipped with a video chat camera and an AI thermometer. Tourists get three meals every day. Food is provided by robots designed to reduce direct contact with employees.

The new quarantine center is seeing the light of day after China has barely begun to loosen restrictions and open up to tourism. This is happening in parallel with many other countries now changing their travel advice to China.

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The cost of the large Chinese investment is $260 million, according to CNN. It is considered the first center of its kind in China. Experts speculate that it could be the first of many centers to be set up soon in several places in China.

China: 4,636 dead – United States: 716,000 dead

according to world standards China, with a population of nearly 1.4 billion, has recorded only 96,162 cases, while 4,636 deaths have been confirmed. This is despite the fact that the coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan, China.

The country had to endure harsh international criticism for not notifying the outside world quickly enough. There is still uncertainty about how the virus first originated.

By comparison, the United States of 330 million people has recorded more than 44 million cases, and more than 716,000 people have been confirmed to have died.

Expect more new centers across China

The Chinese government has demonstrated a strict zero-tolerance strategy for the coronavirus. It has yielded results in the form of surprisingly low infection and mortality rates.

Chinese leaders believe that it will take some time to end this epidemic. China will continue to exercise strict border controls. Yanzhong Huang explains that such facilities serve as a way to institutionalize the zero-tolerance strategy.

according to world standards China, with a population of nearly 1.4 billion, has recorded 96,162 cases, while 4,636 deaths have been confirmed. This is despite the fact that the coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan, China.

The country had to endure harsh international criticism for not notifying the outside world quickly enough. There is still uncertainty about how the virus first originated

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By comparison, the United States, with a population of 330 million, has recorded more than 44 million cases, but more than 716,000 deaths have been confirmed.

The size of 46 football fields

The huge complex covers an area the size of 46 football fields. The Chinese took less than three months to build. Already in September, she was ready to move into it.

The quarantine center consists of several rows of three-storey buildings. This will replace the hotels that have been used so far in connection with the quarantine of tourists.

4,000 construction workers worked tirelessly for the construction of the Guangzhou International Health Station in Guangdong. The building complex is designed as a bubble that is isolated from the rest of the city. Here, both medical personnel and tourists will be closed.

In this way, the Chinese authorities hope to combine tourism with complete infection control.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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