1500 deported in one week – NRK Oslo and Viken – Local News, Television & Radio

1500 deported in one week – NRK Oslo and Viken – Local News, Television & Radio

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– Michael Holmkiren tells NRK that 20 percent of those we refuse to enter are Norwegians.

He is the head of the Swedish Border Police in the Western Region. On a daily basis, many refuse to enter the country.

Sweden introduced the new entry rules on December 28, a week ago. Since then, about 1,500 people have been denied entry to Swinesund alone.

Most people trying to cross the border are vaccinated, but there are many who do not have the proper test.

According to Holmkiren, there are many tourists who do not know the rules.

– We see many Danish and German tourists celebrating Christmas and New Year in Norway. If they go home, they travel through Sweden.


Entry rules for Norway and Sweden


Entry Rules for Sweden:

  • All foreigners over the age of 12 are tested negative for Kovit-19 before entering Sweden. This applies even if you have been fully vaccinated.
  • To enter the country, you must have a documented negative PCR / NAAT test or antigen test. It is not enough to use self-examination alone.
  • Must be tested within 48 hours of arrival in Sweden.

Rules for entering Norway:

Travelers to Sweden:

Individuals who repeatedly cross the border to pursue work or study in Sweden or another state are exempt from the test duty until they submit the vaccination certificate or certificate for a negative test result conducted within one week prior to arrival.

Travelers to Norway:

Border travelers who have been fully vaccinated or who have contracted Govt disease are exempt from the check-in duty when crossing the border due to work or school. It is not necessary to check fully vaccinated border travelers, but they – like everyone else – must fill out a form when entering Norway.

Fewer cross the border

As a result of the new entry rules, traffic outside Norway via Svinesund has been halved. It shows the statistics of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The day before the Swedes tightened their grip on the border, 8119 cars had passed Swinosund. On the day the rules went into effect only 2689 cars went.

Over the New Year weekend, about 900 people were rejected at the Svinesund border. To reduce the order of the border, The Swedes added more police resources last week.

– We also checked at other border crossings and rejected the people there. But there is big, heavy traffic on the new Swainsund Bridge, so we went there a lot.

The police chief is reminded of the need for a negative test. It can be a maximum of 48 hours, otherwise you will not be able to go through Sweden.

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– There are those who are irritated that the border has not been crossed. Most people do not, but we understand those who do. It is clear that people get frustrated when they have to go home, says Homegren.

– Someone may try to infiltrate into small changes, but we have restrictions, he adds.

Rows at the checkpoint at Svinesund

Many tested positive at the International Testing Center in Swinsund.

Photo: Ole Berg-Resten / NTB

Many tests are positive when entering

On the Norwegian border, Jostin Stowe had some exciting Christmas days. He is the manager of an examination center in Swinesund.

– There has been a steady flow of traffic since before Christmas. We thought it would calm down a bit when the test against Sweden was needed, but at all times we had constant pressure on the test center.

Approximately 12,000 people are screened each week at the exam center. Last week, 123 people tested positive.

Swinsund has never had a higher rate of positive tests before.

– We have never received high frequency positive tests as we have just seen. There are many national races, not just Norwegians. More than one hundred people are positive when they travel with us across the border.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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