15,987 people have been diagnosed with corona infection in the last 24 hours

15,987 people have been diagnosed with corona infection in the last 24 hours

In the last seven days, an average of 11,774 corona infections have been reported per day.

Seven days ago the corresponding average was 7356, so the trend is increasing.

On Wednesday, 240 corona patients were admitted to the hospital. There were two more than the day before.

106 patients are in the intensive care unit, of whom 72 are receiving respiratory treatment. According to the Norwegian Directorate of Health, there are 32 more people in intensive care and 23 more in respiration compared to the previous day.

Also Wednesday 24 hour record

A total of 554,778 people in Norway tested positive for corona, according to the National Institutes of Public Health. On January 19, 2022, 15,367 victims were recorded, the previous 24-hour record set by Norway.

– This shows that the epidemic is still on the rise in Norway, but not as serious as it was two weeks ago, Assistant Health Director Espen Rostrup Naxstad told NTB on Wednesday.

– Longer doubling time than expected

Nakstad believes the daily figures are 50 percent higher than they were a week ago.

– So the doubling time of Omigran may seem to be close to ten days. This is beneficial because the absence of disease is less and the probability of being hospitalized in a week is lower, Nakstad said.

Preliminary figures show that a total of 1,412 people have died of corona in Norway since March 2020.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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