2 TV reports after slaughtering rabbits

2 TV reports after slaughtering rabbits

On Tuesday’s episode of TV Show 2 “Varmin as Gendis”One of the missions in this round’s Weekly Quest has created reactions in the farm.

That was when two of the four rabbits at Bøensæter’s farm in Aremark were slaughtered to become a rabbit meat dish, plus a mother’s sleeve.

It was a particularly difficult task for vegetarians on the farm, Influences Sophie Elise Isaacsen (27) and comedian and Writer Shabana Rahman (45).. The latter did not want to participate in the slaughter.

Killing is used as a public relations strategy

But also outside the farm, the slaughter of rabbits provoked strong reactions. Animal rights organization NOAH has now decided to report the incident on TV 2. However, they did not start the review when See and Hear made contact.

– But we do it very quickly when we first decide. We find it a bit difficult to relate to TV 2 because we know they are looking for publicity. NOAH leader Siri Martinsen says they get it when they treat animals poorly.

Online newspaper He was the first to mention NOAH’s criticism of the program.

Must report: Siri Martinsen, leader of NOAH, says the organization decided to report on TV 2 after the rabbits were slaughtered.  Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

Must report: Siri Martinsen, leader of NOAH, says the organization decided to report on TV 2 after the rabbits were slaughtered. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB
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The organization previously issued a review based on slaughter methods. In this case, the NOAH leader believes the rabbits were killed for entertainment, which she called irony. Furthermore, Martinsen says the channel is moving on the edge of legislation.

– They did not take into account that in Norway it is not allowed to use animals for fur, and it is forbidden to keep animals for this purpose in the first place. And that’s exactly what they did here.

stairs: Finally, “Farmen Kjendis” is back, and in the first episode there are already tears when Kjersti Grini hangs on the shape of a cow. Reporter: Bjorn Ecker/Thea Hope. Video: Thea Hope / The Red Carpet
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This is section 12 that Martinsen is referring to.

Animals shall not be killed as a separate component of entertainment or competition.mentioned in paragraph 12.

She herself did not see any reason to watch the program.

– The best thing is not to pay attention to her.

– Natural place on the “farm”

For its part, TV 2 said that it can reassure viewers of “Farmin” that the channel is interested in animal welfare. Jan-Petter Dahl, Director of Press for TV 2, writes in an email to Se og Hør.

– We want the slaughter to take place in a safe and painless manner, and the rabbits were slaughtered by a butcher who is authorized to slaughter rabbits professionally, explains Dall.

stairs: Then it was clear who was the first celebrity who had to leave “Farmen Kjendis” in 2022. Reporter: Bjørn Ekker. Video: Thea Hope / The Red Carpet
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NOAH’s request for review is noted. Dahl also rejects allegations that the purpose of the killing was propaganda.

– No, we do not do this at all to stir up controversy or publicity. Slaughter has been on “The Farm” since the early seasons. The framework of the program is life on a farm a hundred years in time, and slaughter was a normal part of everyday life at the time.

Dahl says that TV 2 received “a handful” of inquiries after Tuesday’s episode, but insists that slaughter has a perfectly normal place in “The Farm,” where concepts must have lived on a farm a hundred years ago in time.

– We test that it is not in dispute that it is part of the TV show. For the participants, it is voluntary whether you participate in the massacre or not, and of course we do not show images of the massacre on television, Dahl writes.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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