Fears big losses after new Corona operations – VG

Fears big losses after new Corona operations – VG
Thousands of tickets: – Rent has to be paid like the whole house with many contracts that cannot be changed. Thousands of tickets have been sold out, says Helen Foxley, who is worried they will be withdrawn.

LILLEHAMMER (VG) – I’m afraid to lose millions of kroner, says artist Helen Foxley to VG.


He is in Myhoxalen in Lillyhammer in the middle of an extensive Christmas concert tour. On Wednesday, he hosted the final concert of the tour, where everything will be as originally planned.

– I’m worried, says Helen Foxley.

He is also one of the current 62 artists Threatens to close large parts of Kultur-Norge.

– It’s important that you send a clear signal and that we support each other, says Foxley.

Entering from midnight New corona measures are in effect This will increase the number of spectators in the hall for artists like Helen Foxley.

Close to closing: Many of the 250 people who were in Maihaugsalen on Wednesday sat in one of the rows of benches.

– So far, only the Oslo Concert Hall has canceled our concert. But after making many agreements that cannot be changed, the rent has to be paid as if the whole house were there. Thousands of tickets have been sold, I fear they will be revoked and millions of kroner will be lost, says Foxley.

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And not only that. Bøksle and the company she co-runs with her husband Espen Tjersland have registered a suspicion among the public.

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– We already notice a sharp decline in ticket sales, Bøksle continues.

Because there is no doubt that now the unrest has begun to register with the public. It revealed several vignettes on Wednesday night.

– Elizabeth Hammer and Vidar Johansson say they were skeptical we could go to the concert tonight. On the way to Maihaugsalen to VG.

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But despite the unrest and skepticism, Helen Foxley has chosen to continue her Christmas concert tour.

– We’ve traveling to the Andals tonight. Then there are Molde lesund, Bergen, Stavanger and Kristiansand. At Lady Church in Trondheim on Tuesday, there was a full “hall” of 5-600 in rows of benches. But now it is not clear what the concerts will look like in the future. But we’re still traveling, says Foxley.

The annual Christmas concert tour is a highlight of the business for her and her husband. They have been hosting Christmas concerts for 20 years.

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– We are the most vulnerable now. Fortunately, I was blessed with a bright mind. But now we need someone to comfort us – and not to see us again, says Helene Foxley.

At the same time, she understands the need for the measures that the government will now introduce from midnight.

Victims: – We are the most vulnerable now. Fortunately, I was blessed with a bright mind. But now we need someone to comfort us – and not to see us again, says Helene Foxley.

– But I hope this government sees the seriousness of the situation and comes up with a solution to prevent bankruptcy. Bøksle says there is a whole crisis across the board, and immediate action must be taken to prevent an entire industry from going bankrupt.

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– The thing is, we are in cat pain by the government, which does not cover us completely – but it introduces even more stringent requirements, which can not make a tour without significant loss. Her husband, Espen DeGersland, says the cancellation is something we continue to consider.

Concern: – I am now very concerned about cultural life, Minister of Culture Anette Trettbergstuen.

VG contacted Minister of Culture Anette Trettebergstuen to comment:

– No one wants us to come here again, but with Omigrome now here, we need to reduce the risk of infection in the community to avoid congestion in the health service. I’m very concerned about cultural life now, which is why we already said that several days ago Compensation plan It has been extended until the summer today. And at the same time as the new austerity measures came out yesterday, we are beginning to see the need for reforms in line with what the industry is asking for, the Finance Minister announced. We also look at what stimulus measures are needed and how accurate they can be as requested by the industry. We are working full time on this and will come up with more definitive answers before Christmas.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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