He will provide financial assistance to the Nobel Institute

He will provide financial assistance to the Nobel Institute

The return on the fund will ensure the financing of the Nobel Peace Prize and the operation of the Norwegian Nobel Institute, Monitoring Committee Chair Peter Frolich (H) tells NTB.

The issue was discussed in Parliament’s Oversight and Constitution Committee on Tuesday. All parties except FRP agreed to the funding.

Olaf Nijolstad, director of the Nobel Institute, told Dagens Næringsliv this summer that they are in a financial crisis, and that the Nobel Committee’s property rights have been gutted in a few years.

Three-digit number in millions

Consequently, the Nobel Institute does not receive an annual grant from the state budget.

– This is because we want the Nobel Committee to be free of political ties, says Frolich.

Peter Frølich (H) and Parliament's Storting Oversight Committee will give the Nobel Institute a lump sum of over NOK 100 million to be put into a fund.  Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB

Peter Frølich (H) and Parliament’s Storting Oversight Committee will give the Nobel Institute a lump sum of over NOK 100 million to be put into a fund. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB

It is not clear exactly how much money will be spent in the fund.

– The goal is to be able to live from back. Then the lump sum must necessarily be a certain size. He says it is inconceivable to have three numbers out of millions.

Requirements were set for the Nobel Institute for them to receive funds.

– They should establish a fund with good oversight mechanisms. As long as they practice sound financial management, the parties will allocate this in a future budget.

Thus, it is up to the Nobel Institute when the money is paid, he says.

– They have to find a structure for this that meets the requirements we have set, so it may be suitable for future budget rounds, says Frølich.

independent work

He asserts that the government did not participate in this work.

– It was a separate point on my part. I think this is a job that can be done in Parliament. We were responsible for the report. Then no one can say that the government entered and facilitated the subsidy. It is important to ensure watertight barriers between the government and the Nobel Institute.

The committee also encourages the municipality of Oslo to contribute financially and has received positive signals about this, according to Frolich.

Nobel is a central institution in the municipality of Oslo. We also point out the responsibility of the Oslo municipality to participate in securing the support, he says.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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