Is there no place in our society for an expression of faith?

Is there no place in our society for an expression of faith?

Why is it not easy to tell that one has gone to church or to a Christian feast? asks William Matthew Vaughn.

Recent research shows that Young men dare not share the threat by saying openly. It is the public, not the youth, who are standing in our way.

Researchers at the University of Agder interviewed 25 young Muslims and Christians about what they thought of sharing their threats on social media. The results were presented recently research article. It is clear here that young people can easily share their threats on social media.


It is natural for young people to boldly tell about all the possible things that they are a part of and what is important to them; About the latest news on the sports, lifestyle or cultural front. Why is it not easy to tell that one has gone to church or to a Christian feast?

The research shows that while they wanted to share religious content on social media, many did. From experience, they are afraid of misunderstanding, loss of veins and stigma. This is a problematic development And a democratic problem for Norway.

post survey Mentioning leadership experience from a mosque or church in a resume is believed to be career suicide in today’s society. How can one call Norway a tolerant society if one loses job opportunities and social networks, if there is a threat?

This is a problematic development And the problem of democracy for Norway.

The Christian people interviewed wanted to share their beliefs, in order to be understood and able to open up about their Christian identity. While it is mostly about Muslims changing the negative image of Islam in Norwegian society, and thus defending their religion.

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While being true to one’s identity, defending one’s choices and diversity are good ideals, one sees rather in Norway an expectation that minorities will become more like the majority. For the religious, this means that the more secular a person is, the better he or she will fit into society. It shouldn’t be the case.

social suicide

As a threatened young man, I find it a challenge every day to make some conscious choices. Opening your mouth at a time when teasing is easier and more socially acceptable is difficult. I think that leaving the threat public helps them mature, grow and strengthen.

Unfortunately, a post like this can be social suicide in Norway and even cause flaws when I apply for a job one day.

It is common for people who threaten young people in Norway to want to share their threats, but this is a challenge in the Norwegian social context of which we are a part. It may not be so strange when Our society largely points out that faith is a private matter: – You are welcome to believe, but do not take it with you in your friend group, at work or in your town.

I think we should instead create a society where there is room for the expression of faith, removing the Norwegian fear from visible expressions of faith, in working life, among friends and in school and the city of study.

Emily Nancy Aiken. Photo: Birgit Fognis Bakken

Updated: Monday, March 21, 2022, 10.14

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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