Burkina Faso in Grenoble raises strong criticism of the “Islamic left”

Burkina Faso in Grenoble raises strong criticism of the “Islamic left”

In France, criticism of the left’s attraction to Islam received new momentum after Grenoble’s city council voted to change the rule banning the burkini at public bathing resorts. The burqa is the Islamists’ new tool for invading the public space, says writer and feminist activist Celine Pena.

She doesn’t like the word “burkini,” Celine Pena, who suggests it’s totally wrong to associate a burqa with a bikini. In a long and angry publication in the French newspaper le Figaro The former politician Penna wrote that agreeing to the burkini is at the same time a “yes” to “the subordination of women which consists in saying that a woman is an object of temptation and must cover herself.” She also says that it is frightening for the left to fall in love with accepting Islamic signs in public in exchange for ballot papers at the ballot box.

A French Hege Storhaug

She is particularly interested in issues related to secularism, gender equality, women’s rights, health and the social economy, and we read about Celine Pena on her website, a proud activist and author of several books dealing with Islam’s ideology of violence and politics. absurdity. Pina advocates an honest discussion about Islam and the impact of Islam on French society, and she is not afraid to stir up such a debate.

In many ways, it reminds us of Hege Storhaug, not only through the tireless will to stand by the weakest and advocate true feminism, but also through a great knowledge of Islam and a deep knowledge of the mosque community.

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Pena refers to repression, threats, and violence, and like Stourhaug has faced harsh condemnation, racism and extremism, but continues to persist despite withdrawing from French politics as an active one.

It’s the hypocrisy that Pena wants for life, as Storhaug does, as she does when the French girl takes a flair for defending against the political left that condemns her. We’ve highlighted Mila’s fate in a number of articles, including here. Mila has to live underground due to death threats after she said publicly that “Islam is nonsense”. Regarding the French presidential election, she posted a long, now-deleted Twitter message, in which she wrote, among other things, that she offered her support for Eric Zemmour, but had no other choice because she was afraid of her. your country. And it is not surprising then that Mila received strong condemnation from the political left, and this is hypocrisy. Pina points.

“The fact that a persecuted girl takes the hit is troubling,” Pena writes, noting that Mila is convicted of “right-wing extremism,” while the Left Party condemning her won’t peep about Mila’s cause. You cannot appear on the French streets without risking death.

Burqa for bathing in Grenoble

The left blind spot for Islam and Islamic extremism has been a hot topic in France for a number of years, and the debate is also different from the debate in Norway. It has to do in both countries having a much larger number of Muslims in the country, but it also has to do with the French’s relationship with secularism and experiences with a number of deadly radical Islamic terrorist attacks.

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The war against radical Islam has been and remains a large part of French politics, a policy to which French President Emmanuel Macron, himself a centre-right politician, has contributed significantly. An important principle in France is that the state and the church are separate, that religion is a private matter, and France reinforces its culture with the new legislation.

In December 2020, the French government introduced a bill to combat Islamist separatism and an ideology labeled “the enemy of the republic”, and the separatism law was passed. Tensions over the legislation were highlighted by the unusually large number of changes, which came from parties across the French political spectrum.

Therefore, it causes quite an uproar when Grenoble city council is seen as opposing separatist legislation by approving the use of the burkini in public bathing spaces, and the “Islamic left” is severely criticized, including by Pina mentioned in Le Figaro:

Pena writes that giving in to an ideology that makes women’s inferiority a social norm and requires them to hide their bodies on the pretext of impurity is a serious human rights violation.

Pena writes that “the foundation and cornerstone of our social contract which is the equality of people outside of gender, race, social status, religion or philosophy” has been broken, and writes that Grenoble’s mayor, Eric Peul, is responsible for the persecution of a woman.

Under the guise of freedom, it seems to me that Eric Bueol is promoting the oppression of Muslim women. What if many Muslim women tried swimming pools as empty places where they escaped the control of clothes? Eric Buell has expanded the area under restrictions for Muslim women, she points out.

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He goes on Brotherhood missions

Pena writes that Eric Beul uses the “rhetorical arguments and tricks of the Muslim Brotherhood,” but notes that the “freedom to wear the burkini” is in fact “the freedom to enforce sexism.”

Thus the social activists who made this demand called themselves the “Pink Gardens of Muslims”, to make us believe that they were leading the struggle for equality, while their vision of equality is limited to trying to impose full veils on distractions in swimming pools or on football fields.

Pena, of course, points out that it’s not equality, but it’s a setback for women. And she is not the only one who is appalled by the misunderstood “tolerance” and “freedom worship” that is in fact the work of radical Islam. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin took to Twitter to indicate that he considers Grenoble’s embrace of the burkini a violation of French values.

(cover illustration: HRS)

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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