iPhone 14 Pro owners have reported camera issues

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The iPhone 14 Pro (the closest camera) has actually bigger cameras than the iPhone 13 Pro (the back).

Some who just bought a new one iPhone 14 Pro or iPhone 14 Pro Max Report a strange and annoying error.

The lens in the viewfinder seems to go off when they try to shoot or take pictures with the main camera. In addition to shaking and unstable image, some users also experience some kind of metallic sound from the camera.

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The error should only occur when using the camera in a third-party app, such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, not the built-in camera app.

We’ve tested the iPhone camera in all of these apps using the test units we received last week and haven’t encountered the same error.

However, a number of videos appeared on Twitter and TikTok where users showed the same error:

Here you can also watch a video from TikTok, which we received from a Tek reader:

Since the error only occurs in third-party apps, those apps might need to be updated and not necessarily an entire operating system update from Apple.

It is also not known if the vibration and scratching sound can lead to any permanent damage to the mobile, in which case the warranty will be covered.

Did you encounter the error? Feel free to contact us at [email protected]!

Apple iPhone 14 Pro 512GB

Apple iPhone 14 Pro 512GB

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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