Having all kinds of food can’t be taken for granted – VG

Having all kinds of food can’t be taken for granted – VG
Ragnhild Waagaard is the chair of climate and energy at the WWF’s World Wide Fund for Nature.

A recent report from the Norwegian Environment Agency showed that in extreme cases climate change could lead to food rationing in Norway.

Throughout the summer, climate change becomes visible under extreme weather and heat conditions.

large portions of Pakistan flooded Agricultural land was swept away.

Forest fires destroyed all over Europe and scorched crops.

The longest river in China The Yangtze River was almost empty of water Water security is threatened.

The severe weather will make it difficult to produce food around the world.

Spain: A farmer watches a forest fire devour his field. The photo was taken on July 18, 2022 in Spain.

The report shows that climate change can have significant impacts across all parts of the value chain. Value chains extend across national borders, and what happens in other countries will be of great importance to Norway, says Environmental Director Elaine Hambro in a press release.

The report also emphasizes how important it is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while preparing ourselves for upcoming climate changes, she says.

Norway basically has a good adaptable diet. But according to the report, the Norwegian diet is expected to undergo serious tests.

Pakistan: A man searches for his belongings after a flood swept through his home in Pakistan. The photo was taken on September 1, 2022.

It is getting more and more difficult to produce food

Climate change could lead to lower yields and poor quality in agriculture around the world. This will affect Norway because we import a lot of food.

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Approximately 46 percent of the food Norwegians eat, and produce in Norway. The rest is imported. Synchronized We throw 1.1 million kilograms Edible food every day.

Today we are used to being able to get all the food we want, without thinking about where it came from or what was needed to produce it. We must become more aware and treat food largely as something of value.

This is said Ragnhild Waggard, head of climate and energy at the WWF’s World Wide Fund for Nature.

We can no longer think that it will be easy to get all kinds of food. The world is changing. The climate and nature crisis makes it difficult to produce food.

China: This photo taken on September 2, 2022 shows people walking where the Yangtze River normally flows.

Waagaard thinks it’s time to change the way we think when it comes to food. She thinks we can’t expect to get food from the other side of the world in the future.

– Waagaard says that both dietary changes and agricultural production that protect nature will be important in the future.

Her advice is to avoid food waste and eat seasonal produce, food from the local area, and more greens.

Versatile farming can withstand more

Norway basically has a food production that can withstand changes quite well. With fishing, hunting and diversified farming.

Historically, this form of mixed farming is the winner, says Anders Lerberg Kopstad, Senior Consultant at Regenerativt Norge.

But this form of farming is not always profitable.

It is becoming increasingly common for farmers to focus on one type of production, and to make that production as efficient as possible, often dependent on imported resources.

This form of farming is often out of sync with the local natural environment, and this can make farmers more vulnerable to the vagaries of weather and the global market.

Anders Lerberg Kopstad is a farmer and senior advisor at Regenerativt Norge.

Koepstad explains that food security can be better equipped if farmers are paid to diversify production on the farm. They produce different types of food from local resources

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We are witnessing more and more large fluctuations in precipitation, weather and drought. We have to play all the cards we have, while getting our foundations in good enough shape to handle bigger swings. It starts with better soil care, says Kopstad, who is also a farmer.

He explains that this is a complex topic and there is a lot that can be done, to ensure that Norwegian food is produced and nature is better taken care of.

Food waste should be reduced

Norway has committed to the United Nations sustainability target of halving food waste by 2030.

Norway’s first food waste report was presented in 2021. It showed that Norwegians disposed 10 percent less than they did in 2015.

Now the next task is to find the reason for throwing away so much food, and then introduce measures.

Work is underway on a food waste law, but the form of this law has not yet been determined.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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