youth, love | I met upon confirmation: – I just had to go up and talk to her

youth, love |  I met upon confirmation: – I just had to go up and talk to her

After Alicia finished singing on confirmation, I stepped up to it, says Omberg.

Omberg started the conversation by saying he wanted to make music with her.

need an excuse

– I called her because I thought she was very beautiful and talented, and I used that as an excuse to compose music with her, says Elias Omberg.

Alicia liked to compose music, but perhaps it was because of her interest in Omberg that she kept talking to him, she admits.

Løken has been involved in music all his life and has sung, among other things, at affirmations, weddings and on the Sarpsborg stage.

Music brought them together

On the other hand, Omberg has only been involved in music since the pandemic.

The first song the couple made was “let me love myself“followed by”When I think too much».

When I think too much She wrote to Alicia about the fear of losing her. Elias Omberg says it’s on the now-coming album

When they make music together, they can share all of their thoughts and feelings without it being trivial or scary.

Thanks to music, we became absolutely nothing, says the musical duo.

Explore scary topics together

On Omberg’s upcoming album, Alicia sings in four out of seven songs.

Trapped, or capture As the album is called in Norwegian, Omberg describes it as a relatively dark album.

“It’s a good thing now that we’re in a mental health month,” he says.

writing process Trapped It was not easy. The couple delved into their deepest fears and explored all that seems scary when falling in love.

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We both think mental health is very important, even if we think it’s hard to articulate, says Omberg.

There isn’t a lot of bickering that happens behind the scenes when they compose music together, but when there is, the couple admits that it’s when they disagree about the order in which things are done.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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