The famous nun surprises

The famous nun surprises

Sister Cristina Scoccia, 34, from Sicily shocked the judges, and the rest of Italy, when she won The Voice in 2014.

– I have a gift and I share it with you, Scotia said after all the judges turned around in her blind audition.

Now you might be surprised again, according to Watchman.

I was shocked

During her audition, the 34-year-old sang Alicia Keys’ “Nobody”. The judges were obviously shocked when they saw that she was dressed as a nun. One by one they fought to get her on their team. In the end, she chose Italian rapper J-Axe.

– We are like the devil and holy water. The rapper said we have to work together to convince her to choose him.

Scotia, who was a member of the Ursuline Sisters of the Holy Family in Milan, ended up winning the season. She later released an album, which she introduced to Pope Francis. One of the album’s singles was a cover of Madonna’s song “Like a Virgin”, which sparked backlash.

Unrecognized: Scotia left her life as a nun.  Screenshot: TgCom24

Unrecognized: Scotia left her life as a nun. Screenshot: TgCom24
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Mixed feedback

During her audition on The Voice, Scotia was encouraged by fellow nuns. Although she was supported by her superiors, she received many complaints from the more conservative people in the environment. Especially after she dropped her cover for Madonna. They thought it was a calculated act to get more media coverage.

Sources from the Church say that although Scotia received a lot of criticism from the Church, she was choosing to leave them.

Now, eight years later, she has announced on an Italian talk show that she has left life behind as a nun. Wearing high heels, a red pantsuit, and a piercing in her nose, she explained how the makeover happened.

– I think you should listen to your heart. It’s always scary to make a change, she said on the talk show, because the easiest thing is to stay where you are.

She later added that she chose to follow her heart without caring what others thought of her. She now lives in Spain, works as a waitress, and enjoys herself.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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