Norwegian Politics and Politics | This is what the newspapers wrote about politics on Thursday, December 15th

Norwegian Politics and Politics |  This is what the newspapers wrote about politics on Thursday, December 15th

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Widome ruled out billions when Parliament answered about rich immigrants (H24)
A tax professor describes the methodology used by the Minister of Finance as “fraud”. – Is it possible?! This is cheating. They’re not that stupid, is tax professor Ole Gjems-Onstad’s spontaneous reaction when he hears about the latest Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) accounts. Read more

SV leader Odon Lisbakken will not withdraw Norway from NATO (class struggle)
SV Commander Odon Lisbakken changed his mind about NATO after the wars in Ukraine, Sweden and yes Finland for NATO. The predecessor of the SV, the Socialist People’s Party, was formed in 1961 by dissidents and people excluded from the Labor Party. The party’s main issues were Norway’s withdrawal from NATO and disarmament. Read more

SV is considering requesting a new hearing in Nav (VG)
The Norwegian Parliament’s Oversight Committee does not have access to a confidential nautical report from 2014. This means that SV does not rule out holding a new hearing in the Oversight Committee. The need to know whether judicial killings can be prevented. Read more

The county council in Trøndelag asks the government to defer the salmon tax (MN24)
The vast majority in Trondelag County Council, made up of the Labor Party, the Center Party, the Christian People’s Party and the Liberal Party, say they cannot support a proposal to tax land rent when the facility is proposed. Read more

The government will abolish the fuel tax from January 1 (electronic newspaper)
The fuel tax will be removed from the new year, which will lead to lower pumping prices, according to the government. Read more

Tax evasion to Sweden (finansavicin)
Private equity investor Reiner Endal flees Norwegian taxes – to Sweden. There he enjoys zero wealth tax and low dividend tax as well as favorable tax for start-up companies. Read more

The oil industry believes that political uncertainty reduces activity at the grid control station (today’s work)
The outlook for investing abroad in Norway for the oil industry has changed little in 2010, although inflation has risen. This indicates less activity than expected, and pressure group indicates changed framework conditions. Read more

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It will create fake electricity chokes (finansavicin)
– We do not want to burn bridges with Europe, but we are in a difficult situation, says Terje Halland of the Progress Party. Halleland outlines a scheme in which separate price points are established on suitable international connections in order to separate and mitigate price contagion in the southern Norwegian energy market from the European energy market. At the same time, it will authorize Statnett to operate international connections via new rate points. The purpose is to achieve normal electricity prices in Norway. Read more

There is no news from the Oslo City Council regarding the closure of hospitals (NRK)
Oslo City Council once again opposes plans by Helles Southeast to close Ollivol Hospital. Business group threatens to sue. Read more

The Minister of Justice wants a new system of control in Norwegian prisons (VG)
The supervision system with the Reform Department has been heavily criticized for a number of years. Now Justice Minister Emily Inger Mehl wants to change the arrangement. Read more

The committee should consider how the forward topic model works (NTB)
The government wants to set up a committee to look at how the front-line model works. But the model itself is not in operation, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Storr (AP) confirms. – The main principle, the order of the forward topic model, I noticed that all organizations support, says Storr. Read more

Big is usually better than small (The Chief, Dagens Næringsliv)
The government’s fascination with small sizes produces increasingly absurd results. Read more

NVE’s recommendations for electrifying the Draugen and Njord platforms are clear (NTB)
The Norwegian Directorate of Waterways and Energy (NVE) has sent its recommendations to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy for the electrification of the Draugen and Njord platforms. Read more

– The price of electricity in kronor can be higher than the Ap percentage subsidy (electronic newspaper)
Rødt leader Mímir Kristjánsson points out two main problems, namely the order of energy markets in the long term, but primarily that people cannot afford the NOK 10 price of electricity now. – We sell electricity from publicly owned energy companies at up to 1000% profit. Why is it like that? Read more

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The electricity tax has been reduced: – People don’t feel particularly fortunate (NRK)
People’s electricity tax will be reduced from the end of the year, but Mimir Christiansson (Rudette) is not affected by the cut, which is 6.25 øre per kWh. Read more

The Resett e-newspaper has been closed (VG)
The controversial online newspaper Resett goes bankrupt and shuts down. Read more

Reset closed: Hallelujah! (Comment by Sondre Hansmark, Dagbladet)
The dark journalism chapter is over. The far-right website Resett has been shut down. line substitutions. Read more

We must stop the transfer of money to corrupt countries (Norwegian Discussion. By columnist Anders Magnus, Netvizen)
Millions of dollars stashed in the president’s couch. The country’s former security chief is on the run from a murderer. These are some of the ingredients in South Africa’s latest astonishing corruption scandal. Read more

Large emissions can be indirect from offshore winds (posted by Elise Johansen and Tonje Hagen Geiran in Wikborg Rein) (Finansavisen)
The link between innovation and sustainability in offshore wind should have been strengthened. Read more

energy plan? (Published by Stig-Morten Knutsen, Norway Representative on the UN Panel of Experts on Resources) (Finansavisen)
The balance between energy, prosperity and the environment/climate is complex. We need an energy management plan. Read more

Not brown envelopes, bags with money (Comment from Kjetil Wiedswang, Dagens Næringsliv)
The corruption scandal in the European Union affects the Union and Qatar. The winner is Viktor Orban, the leader of the third most corrupt country in the union. Read more

The European Union provides funding to become independent of Russian energy (NTB)
The agreement facilitates a “fundamental reform” of the EU’s energy sector, according to Czech Finance Minister Zbenik Stanjora. The countries agreed to add 20 billion euros, about NOK 208 billion, in grants on top of the remaining funds in the EU’s joint coronavirus fund. Read more

EU Human Rights Prize for Ukraine – Zelensky asks for court support (NTB)
When the European Parliament presented the Sakharov Prize to the Ukrainian people, President Volodymyr Zelensky called for support for the creation of a military tribunal for Russian leaders. Read more

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Kosovo is seeking membership in the European Union (NTB)
Kosovo’s political leaders on Wednesday signed the country’s official application to become a candidate country for European Union membership. The application was met with Serbian protests. Read more

A new election is a major setback for Donald Trump (electronic newspaper)
The poll showed Ron DeSantis receiving support from 23 percentage points more voters than former President Trump. Read more

Biden: Partnership with Africa is essential for the world (NTB)
US President Joe Biden calls for closer ties with Africa and points to new US investments. Read more

No common condemnation of Russia at the Eurasian Summit (NTB)
European Union leaders received the leaders of Southeast Asian countries on Wednesday, but the parties could not agree on a common condemnation of Russia. A joint statement on the Russian invasion is expected. Read more

Iran’s expulsion from the United Nations Women’s Committee (NTB)
UN countries voted to exclude Iran from the UN Women’s Commission after the regime’s brutal behavior against protesters. Women have been at the forefront of the protests. Read more

The International Atomic Energy Agency sends a delegation to Iran (NTB)
The International Atomic Energy Agency is sending a delegation to Iran on Sunday. They want answers after unregistered uranium was discovered at three facilities in the country. Read more

The European Union summit will form an American cartel to drain China (NTB)
The European Commission is tired of China’s monopoly on critical raw materials. President Ursula von der Leyen now proposes forming a club with the United States to beat the rival. Read more


Also read: This is what the newspapers wrote about the economy on Monday, December 12th

Also read: This is what the newspapers wrote about the stock exchange on Monday, December 12th

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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