More wind power, no nuclear power are among the Energy Commission’s recommendations

More wind power, no nuclear power are among the Energy Commission’s recommendations

A fundamental change in the pace of renewable energy production is needed in order to reach climate goals, the Energy Commission wrote in its report according to Aftenposten.

The report will be submitted on Wednesday, but many media outlets have already had access to it.

– We are no longer talking about increasing the pace. She says we must rise at a pace we have not seen before.

The committee believes that the authorities are not acting fast enough and writes that Norway risks moving from a state of power surplus to power deficit within a few years if action is not taken.

The panel notes that politicians may not meet climate goals or energy development goals in 2030, he writes VG.


The government formed the 15-member committee in 2022 to survey energy needs and propose an increase in energy production. On several points, they disagreed on how to solve the energy crisis.

The majority of the members of the Energy Committee believe that the following goals should be set for 2030:

* At least 40 TWh higher renewable energy production from hydro, wind, offshore wind and solar.

* Improving energy efficiency by at least 20 TWh.

The minority believes that, according to VG, it gives unfortunate signals to set goals that may turn out to be useless in a short period of time.

Several key points in the report:

* Wind power should be checked on the ground. The committee wants wind turbines near roads, in industrial areas or areas where the environmental impact is lower than pristine nature, according to Aftenposten.

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* The increased share of income from wind power should go to host municipalities. According to the VG, 15 percent of the state land rent tax must be paid from the individual wind power plant to the affected municipality.

* Arrangements shall be made for the development of offshore winds along the entire coast. The majority believes that the electrification of racks should be done in the most cost-effective way. A minority suggests that the state enter into long-term purchase contracts with developers, according to Aftenposten.

* The majority of the committee members believe that provisions should be made for increasing the production of adjustable hydropower, Aftenposten writes.

* The majority will cut processing time in half to speed up energy development, according to VG.

* The majority believe that nuclear power is not a solution for Norway now, according to both VG and Aftenposten.

* Foreign cables: The majority of the committee believes that it should be investigated how the exchange on cables between countries should be arranged so that price contagion from other countries does not exceed the goals of Norwegian energy policy, according to VG.

* The committee is positive about solar energy construction in Norway and believes that introducing a requirement for a share of the self-production of energy in new buildings should be considered, VG writes.

* Strong demands and support for energy efficiency must be made for industry, construction and housing, according to VG.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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