CARI ELIZABETH KASKIE: — — the price was high

CARI ELIZABETH KASKIE: — — the price was high

Cardermon (Daily Newspaper): – I have to be honest and the timing was the worst imaginable says Kari Elizabeth Caskey.

Many were surprised when Caskey (35) withdrew from the leadership battle of SV.

A rising star with a lot of TV time and more financial experience from Storting should continue as a casual rep. “Kasky shock”, it was called in the media. “Big loss”, thought the party youth.

But at home she struggled a lot, she tells Talkblade.

Full War

Full War

– There it is

She had this disease since she was 13 years old.

She later became pregnant with twins. Only one of the twins survived.

– Did that regret and extra workload influence the choice not to become a leader?

She thinks about it.

– Yes I think so. I was going to start negotiating the revised budget very soon. In a way it was good because I could focus on work and that was good for me. But it’s clear, it is There is Yes, she says.

She talks about strong conflicting feelings.

– There is something special about carrying two children, where one dies and the other survives. That is an additional burden. I found a lot of support in talking to others who had gone through the same thing.

Full War

Full War

The most important thing

At SV’s national meet, she often stays on the back bench with her husband and infant son. Her husband, Ola Wolff Elvold, is heavily involved in the party, as board chairman of Oslo SV.

SW Family: Kari Elizabeth Caskey with husband (left) and baby (in harness).  Photo: Magnus Kallelid / Dagbladet

SW Family: Kari Elizabeth Caskey with husband (left) and baby (in harness). Photo: Magnus Kallelid / Dagbladet
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At the front of the hall, a new leadership was hailed, and a new lesson for the party. Kirsti Bergstø, Marian Hussein and Torgeir Knag Fylkesnes were elected as the party’s new leadership trio at the weekend.

– It’s clear, going through such grief does something about perspectives, but priorities. That probably made me more inclined to prioritize family, he says.

– Does politics seem less important?

– So, this is very important, but you have time to think a few more times about what is the most important thing in life. And that’s as close as it gets. Family.

Lost after 50 years

Lost after 50 years

No to the Prime Minister

At the same time, she feels a duality in her desires and ambitions.

Once he was pressed in an interview, he confirmed that he wanted to be the finance minister.

– I want to be involved. At the same time, I am humbled to say that being a finance minister is a very tough job and you probably need ministerial experience.

– Do you want to be Prime Minister?

– Actually, I don’t want to. Because it’s a “crazy job,” Finnmarkingen replied.

– So where is the border?

– Haha. Yes. But at the same time, all the radical politicians in the Storting are optimistic because they want to have as much influence as possible. So there is a duality in that too.

Arise Solution: - Regret

Arise Solution: – Regret


Kari Elizabeth Caskey has arthritis and Bechterew’s arthritis.

— I am receiving treatment for it, which is absolutely necessary, for it is an insidious disease which, at its worst, has very obvious effects. I can limp and struggle to get out of bed. And then there are the invisible consequences that many people with chronic disease live with.

She struggles with fatigue, tiredness and fatigue.

– I should try to take some time for myself and do some training exercises and listen to my body when it needs rest. Because if not I can get really bad. To carry that perspective with me.

Historical text:- I thought again

Historical text:- I thought again

Very high price

He would not answer whether he would run for re-election to the Storting in two years. But she couldn’t stand the leadership battle now.

– I thought it would be too expensive if I chose to stand as leader now.

– Did you not win the match because Kirsty Bergstow came to the table first?

– No. I think we both knew we were hot names. It was more about figuring out what I wanted, says Kari Elizabeth Caskey.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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