Nvidia President: – Use artificial intelligence or leave it behind

Nvidia President: – Use artificial intelligence or leave it behind

During a two-hour speech to students in Taiwan, the president of the world’s most valuable chip maker Nvidia, Jen-Hsun Huang, urged young people and hope to learn about the new technology, according to Bloomberg.

Hunang believes that companies and individuals must learn about artificial intelligence, otherwise they risk missing opportunities in the future.

Resilient companies will benefit from AI and improve their positioning. Companies that don’t do that will go under. While some worry that AI may take their jobs, he said over the weekend, speaking at the graduation ceremony at National Taiwan University in Taipei, that while some worry that AI may take their jobs, some experts in AI They will.

Revival of the computer industry

Huang’s comments come after Nvidia shares rose more than 25 percent in the past week, and the company is now nearing the magic mark with a market value of $1 trillion.

According to MarketWatch, Huang encouraged the newly graduated students to not only take the opportunities that present themselves, but also to embrace the inevitable mistakes they will encounter.

In 40 years, we’ve created the PC, the Internet, mobile technology, cloud technology, and now AI. What do you want to make? Whatever it is, run after it like we did. Run, don’t walk, Huang said, adding:

Either you run to get food, or you run to avoid becoming food.

The Nvidia chief pointed out mistakes his company has made in the past, MarketWatch writes.

– I’ve encountered major errors at Nvidia. All of them were humiliated and embarrassed. Many nearly condemned us to death… Huang claimed that facing our mistakes and asking for help with humility saved Nvidia.

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Moreover, the Nvidia president added that 2023 was an ideal year to finish studies, and he believed that the artificial intelligence revolution would be a “rebirth of the computer industry.”

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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