Don’t mess with search chapters!

Don’t mess with search chapters!

Debate: The District Administrator in Rogaland recently explained the consequences of a NOK 1.5 million cut in support to upper and research classes in secondary schools.

Knowledge in science is crucial for anyone who wants to advance existing technology and develop new technology, especially in the field of renewable energy.
  • Angry IC Land
    Angry IC Land

    Manager at Tekna Stavanger Division

published: published:


This is the topic of discussion. The post was written by an external contributor, quality assurance by the discussion section of Aftenbladet. Opinions and analyzes are the property of the author.

Such a cut has serious consequences, and the Tekna Stavanger subsidiary strongly objects to the proposed cut.

It was said in the record:

“Training at the highest levels and lines of research in Rogaland gives students a broader competence in technology, science, innovation, economics and management. The senior and research classes are known for their strong professional environment and are in many cases a driving force in the school and the learning environment. Student survey shows a high level of well-being and motivation in the senior classes and research. Pupils stand out through a good learning environment and have good opportunities for development.”

So why reduce the supply that the country and the region actually depend on to be able to implement the major changes required? Norway is in a scientific crisis. Across the country, physics teachers are reporting a decline in students choosing full immersion in science, and in many schools they are now struggling to keep students well presented in the subject. This has dire consequences for all of us because poor knowledge of science among the population weakens our chances of implementing the required green transition and energy transition.

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Here’s why: The green transition depends on us having the right energy and technology to take advantage of that access. Knowledge in science is crucial for anyone who wants to advance existing technology and develop new technology, especially in the field of renewable energy.

The failure of recruitment in science subjects in schools in the next step will halt the entire technological development on which the green transition depends, such as solar cells, offshore wind, electric cars and the efficiency of light sources, in Norway. . After that, we will be limited to technology users and will not participate in the technological value creation represented by the green transition. In short, “what will we live after oil?”

Therefore, public support must be strengthened, and we hope and believe that the county politicians in Rogaland understand the seriousness if the cuts are maintained after the county administrator pointed out the serious consequences of last year’s decision.


Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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