Weather, Lillehammer | Hottest day of the year: Check the temperature at your local measurement station

Weather, Lillehammer |  Hottest day of the year: Check the temperature at your local measurement station

The highest temperature of the year was measured in the country on Tuesday, and one of the measurement stations in Gardermoen had the highest temperature recorded in the country on Tuesday with 31.4 degrees.

This is what figures from the Norwegian Climate Service Center show.

The same meteorologists took to Twitter on Tuesday and announced that Gulsvik in Hallingdal had recorded the hottest temperature of the year at 28.9 degrees. The figures were shown at 19:00 on Tuesday.

Lillehammer is warmer

In Gudbrandsdalen, the highest temperature was measured at 30.2 degrees, at the Bjørnerud measurement station in Lillehammer, which was the second highest temperature recorded in the country on Tuesday. Most of the measuring stations in Lillehammer were among the ones that measured the highest temperature in the valley.

In Fåvang, 26.6 degrees was measured, while in Skansen in Ota, a maximum temperature of 26.4 degrees was recorded.

Check out your metering station in the table below!

According to the meteorologist, the weather will be warmer on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

We have the same high pressure that brings hot days. Until Friday, we’ll get the hottest temperatures, the meteorologist on duty, Per Egil Haga, tells GD Wednesday morning.

He sends GD to the climate watchdog to confirm the temperatures measured, but so far GD has not made it to the climate watchdog.

Lightning and Thunder

Haga adds that temperatures will likely rise above 30 degrees in several places throughout the three days.

But a danger warning has also been sent out because there will be heavy rain, and in some places there may be lightning and thundershowers, which can cool the air when they arrive.

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There might be some sharp drops in temperature, but it will still be warm, says Haga.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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