Norway needs a technology minister

Norway needs a technology minister
Can artificial intelligence companies be held accountable if they gamble with our common safety?  columnists ask.  Here's from a tech expo in China in 2017.

Can artificial intelligence companies be held accountable if they gamble with our common safety? columnists ask. Here’s from a tech expo in China in 2017.

Despite major advances in artificial intelligence, the public sector has yet to embrace this potentially revolutionary force.

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The government has finally shown that it is taking artificial intelligence seriously, with one billion kroner for research into artificial intelligence (AI). We encourage the government to make this the starting point for extensive and intensive investment in new technologies.

The digital visions presented on the Hurdle platform are followed by the Ministry of Technology, Digitization and AI. Here are five good reasons.

1. Better services

AI has already demonstrated a revolutionary potential in many fields. Used in medicine Impressively accurate AI in detecting cancerous tumors. AI-driven analytics were used During the development of Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA-based Covid-19 vaccines. In education, AI systems are being developed Ensuring learning is tailored to the individual student.

In the financial world, AI is used to make more profitable investments. Services like ChatGPT and Dall-E are changing text and image production in many industries.

Despite these developments, the public sector has not embraced this potentially revolutionary force. AI can make services more efficient, cut bureaucracy and give more back to taxpayers.

One reason for the lack of interest is that large parts of the public sector are not organized to quickly adopt the latest innovations.

A Minister for Technology, Digitization and AI can take overall responsibility for this development. That is, putting the necessary ethical and legal interpretations on the agenda. and play a much-needed coordinating role.

2. Better democracy

A forward-looking technology policy can also strengthen democracy. In a recent release “A State Analysis of Norwegian Democracy”. The lack of direct democratic participation has been highlighted as a weakness of Norwegian democracy.

At the same time, we see technology negatively influencing public discourse. For example, Russia tried to influence US elections. Future elections may suffer from deep rigging and misinformation Created by large language models.

Both issues need to be met with innovative policies for using digital services. Taiwan demonstrates the potential of technology to promote democratic participation and better public dialogue. For example, they accepted “Crowdsourcing” technology (a form of online work) includes multiple perspectives on political processes.

Norway can learn from these efforts. At the same time, we must deal with the fact that AI will disrupt public discourse in ways that require action. The Minister responsible for Technology, Digitization and AI can ensure a comprehensive approach to these challenges.

3. Absolute principle

We have had two digital ministers so far. One argument for discontinuing the post is that the digitization task cannot be confined to one ministry.

It is clear that all ministries need to take digitization and AI seriously. For example, the Ministry of Education has to overcome challenges related to the use of ChatGPT and teaching tools developed by large technology companies.

But there are many challenges beyond the purview of the Education Minister. Outside of school hours, youth use services encouraged by coping mechanisms. It is very possible It affects their mental health.

Norway has one of the world’s strongest public infrastructures for regulating the use of new, powerful tools. But it is not clear how children and young people are protected against manipulative methods. Perhaps Altinn, our digital certificate system, will be used to regulate access and ensure proper use of AI?

The notion that technological development can be handled independently by various ministries underestimates how extensive technological development is. ChatGPT was a surprise to the Norwegian school system. Clear guidelines that schools can follow are yet to be drawn up.

A single minister should be responsible for coordination and comprehensive policy on which various ministries can rely.

There is reason to believe that we would be better prepared for this development if we had one minister responsible for artificial intelligence.

In fact, we can reverse the argument against the digitization minister. It is even more important that a minister has the requisite qualification that technology development should be considered in all ministries. A single minister should be responsible for coordination and a comprehensive policy that various ministries can rely on.

4. Clarify liability for damages in KI

Norway needs extensive work to clarify responsibility for the harmful use of AI. Who is responsible when powerful and widely available technology is used in harmful ways?

For example, to create computer viruses that knock out critical IT infrastructure in a healthcare system. Can the companies developing this technology be held accountable if they gamble with our common safety?

Clarification of liability would have two effects: Big tech companies would be affected to make technology safer. And it will provide predictable structural conditions for industries to adopt AI.

5. International presence

These days, the US and China are the leading players in the development of artificial intelligence. The European Union is a leader in regulating digital technologies. Norway should prioritize participation in these processes and develop its own policy in the field. Otherwise, we may have to import framework conditions developed and adopted by other forces.

To add weight to these processes, we need a minister with knowledge and expertise in AI and AI regulation. Through this we can improve our values ​​and perspectives in international work.

New technology, especially related to AI, presents us with many opportunities and presents us with great challenges. Creating a ministerial post for technology, digitization and AI is a necessary step to realize a positive technological future.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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