Frank Locke opens his speech: – Today I feel more conscientious than ever before

Frank Locke opens his speech: – Today I feel more conscientious than ever before

Frank Luke for “71 Degrees North”

Frank Locke opens his speech: – Today I feel more conscientious than ever before

Neck-breaking stunts, alpha males and general commentary are often what we associate with Frank Luke. When he rose to the top of 71 Degrees North, he appeared from a completely different side.

Along with Nordic stalwart Ricky Isaksen (29), former handball player Frank Luke (43) reached the top of the ’71 Degrees North Teams’ earlier this year.

With the cameras rolling over the course of several weeks, this was a more multi-faceted and empathetic version of the competition-driven 43-year-old we met in the physically and mentally demanding TV concept.

– The experience was one of the hardest, most wonderful, and most enjoyable things I have ever participated in. I’m very proud that I was able to show the sides that friends, family and colleagues usually see.

– That I did not play the role of “Action Frank”, but rather showed the entire spectrum – including the soft sides. I have both sides, Frank asserts his character.

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Teammate Ricky Issakin

If there’s anyone who’s ever really gotten close to the ultra-strong athlete retired through the “71 Degrees North” experience, it’s his teammate Ricky Isaksen.

She declared that she was very impressed with Frank all the way.

-Frank is actually a smart, warm guy, and always wanted the best for me. What most people don’t know is that he actually has a lot of intelligence. He has a MENSA membership! Rikke revealed to Her og Now earlier this year.

Raw duo: This spring, Frank Locke and team partner Ricky Isaksen impressed with another round from the newest addition to the “71 Degrees North” world.
picture: Haakon Lundqvist

During and after, Frank received exclusively positive feedback for his television return. In the past, the fan base mostly consisted of “guttaboys”, but he has seen a change recently.

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He now says there are also kind letters from Gertrude, 65, whom he once considered an “enema” (as he puts it).

– Maybe the soft side of me is what people miss a little. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I’ve become a bit more mature in recent years. The mountain trips I left behind changed me. When I climbed Mount Everest in 2021 and K2 in 2022, where I literally had to step over corpses and experienced people losing their lives, it sparked some thoughts in me.

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Go climb Mount Everest

– Today I feel more conscientious than ever. The mountain has changed me, admits Frank, who next year will be ready to take on the biggest challenge yet of his life. In 2024, he plans to become the first Norwegian to climb Mount Everest, without supplemental oxygen as an aid.

to the top: The duo reached the top of the program. Frank has since witnessed a shift in people’s perception of him.
picture: Haakon Lundqvist

The death rate reaches 26%. But the better you prepare, the less risky it will be. Then of course there are also factors I have no control over, especially regarding wind and weather. But I want to show my kids and the rest of Luke’s family that anything is possible, he says fearlessly. He adds:

– I want to be a role model for my children. I want to inspire, motivate and shock.

Poetic goals: In recent years, Frank Luke has climbed both Mount Everest and K2. In 2024, the goal is to climb Mount Everest, completely without using oxygen.
picture: private

There is one aspect of Frank’s personality that is difficult to escape.

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-What is my greatest strength can also be my weakness. I never give up. despite. Keep going until it’s over. It might be my way someday. Frank admits that no matter what happens or what befalls me, I will keep going.

This article was first published on 09/19/2023, and last updated on 09/20/2023.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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