Fall Holiday Weather: – Low pressure could save for the weekend

Fall Holiday Weather: – Low pressure could save for the weekend

It’s usually a messy and wet autumn holiday, with some elements of sun, Ingvilt Villa, a meteorologist working at the Meteorological Institute, tells Dagbladet.

– It’s looking pretty rough, really across the West Coast and into the next few days. Some heavy rain is possible, especially in western Norway. In Trams and Finnmark, he says, it could come as snow and ice.

But southern and eastern Norway ends up in trouble — at least initially, he says:

– Monday and Tuesday will be ideal, with really high temperatures.

But this trend may reverse. According to Villa, the weather will remain gray and wet through the weekend.

– but then a low pressure comes in and brings with it warm air masses that can be stored again. “We’ll have to see how it pans out,” he says.

Villa says snow has already settled on the mountain passes and northern elevations, but the snow line could move further down Wednesday and Thursday.

– In some places, they can get snow all along the coast, but we are talking about the northern parts of West-Finmark. There is also the question of whether it will settle on roads, for example. Depends on the road surface temperature, it’s still hot.

In short: rain in the west – mainly along the entire coast from Lindesnes to Nordkapp – ending in south and east lee and getting good weather. Until it returns at the weekend – but it is can The low pressure will maintain a good temperature.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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