Electric car, motor | In 11 months, only electric cars and electric trucks will be sold: – Totally unrealistic

Electric car, motor |  In 11 months, only electric cars and electric trucks will be sold: – Totally unrealistic

“New passenger cars and light trucks must be zero-emission vehicles in 2025.”

He was Drafting It has passed Parliament, meaning there are only eleven months left for the sale of petrol, diesel and hybrid cars in Norway.

But is this possible many years before the rest of Europe does the same? In 2023, nearly 1 in 5 new passenger cars in Norway was something other than an electric car, and there are still a lot of people who are very reluctant to replace the petrol pump with a charging cable.

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The Norwegians have no confidence in the goal

In a survey conducted by InFact for used car company Rebil for a new report, they asked whether people think it's realistic that all new cars Passenger cars Cars must be zero emissions from next year.

Only 20 percent of those surveyed responded that they believed this to be realistic. Up to 70% believe this is unrealistic, while the rest do not know it.

The survey shows that there are very slight differences in terms of gender, age or place of residence. The exception is the people of Oslo, who are marginally more positive than the rest of the country.

Jonathan Barr at Rebel believes skepticism about electric cars runs deep for some.

Norwegians tend to prefer electric cars, but not all. Many have bought electric cars because of all the subsidies and benefits. VAT has now been applied to many electric cars, and you can no longer drive alone in the public transport area. Then you become less interested in electric cars, which goes without saying. Then there are other needs that dictate people choose electric cars, for example those who drive very long distances or have to tow heavier trailers, says Jonathan Parr in Rebel.

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– One should also not underestimate that an electric car – especially now in winter driving – has very different driving characteristics than fossil cars, and that parts of the market are uncomfortable or unwilling to do so. This may be especially true for the older generation, who may still have some fear of the “new.” Plus, there are still some people who don't like the idea of ​​having to charge cars more than they fill them, and who don't think the charging network is developed enough yet, he says.

In this, there may also be some experience that the range in winter can be much shorter than in summer.

Barr believes that if the goal is achieved, it will lead to demand for used cars with gasoline and diesel engines becoming more desirable, and their prices may actually rise.

Electric Vehicle Association: – We can forget that

The head of the Electric Vehicle Association, Christina Bo, told Nettavisen she believes so Pieces The goal of an electric car is realistic, but those parts are also completely unrealistic.

– There is no doubt that we are no Reaching the 2025 targets for light trucks, we can forget about that. We've come a long way there. “In 2023, we ended up with a share of about 30 percent, and we asked for more measures to do something about it,” says Bo.

According to Bo, the selection is too small and the price incentives are too poor.

– In a passenger car, this is quite possible. If you split the car market in half, and just look at sales to individuals, the market share is 95 percent. For commercial/rental businesses, the incentives are not good, she says, and says changes have been announced.

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– But maybe it's not as important as one might think, if taxes make a new Corolla cost a million as of next year?

– Yes, there is something in that. We now see that there are already 27 car brands that now sell only electric cars, including Volkswagen, Tesla and Hyundai.

The government has not yet said how it will achieve the 2025 target. The EEA agreement means that a ban is not possible, which in practice means that duties must be used harshly.

– A number of correct measures were taken in the 2024 Budget, with hybrid cars becoming significantly more expensive, among other things. We hope they will pursue this matter further.

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At the same time, Bo explained that there would be no crisis if all cars did not become electric cars at all.

– 100 percent is the goal, but unless a ban is in place, you should be able to live with a few enthusiast cars being sold, she says.

The Ministry of Finance was given the opportunity to answer how to achieve the 2025 target, but did not answer questions before publication.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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