Julianne Nygård will go abroad.

Julianne Nygård will go abroad.

– We are going abroad!

Julianne Nygård (32), known as “Pilotfrue”, announced this on Instagram earlier in January.

On Monday evening, she revealed where the family was headed.

– We're going to España, she wrote on Snapchat with a video of herself swimming in the snow in a bikini and moon boots.

– Spain here we come.

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Find your dream home

On their own Snapchat channel, Nygård says they're not ready to say where or when they'll be moving in Spain.

The couple has yet to buy or rent a home.

– Nygaard explains that our plan is to buy a house, but we can rent for a limited period of time.

– Not that we won't go ahead with a plan to buy, but we want to be absolutely sure where we're buying, or whether we're falling for something new that isn't ready. A lot can happen and we don't know yet, and we shouldn't lock ourselves into it. We will find a place to live and eventually be able to buy our dream home in Spain.

Nygaard says he's dreamed of moving to a warmer climate for years.

– And I recommended it at home several times before Spain, he adds.

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Changed the plan

Last September, the couple said they were going to sell their house in Wolan, Askar municipality.

said Se og Hør.

The plan for the family was to initially stay in Norway and move to Nygaard's hometown of Fredrikstad.

– Now we had a project for a very long time, which was Friedrichstadt. I'm from there and I said I miss that city, I have a lot of friends and family. For us, going there will be very natural. It took Ulrik years to get there and he finally agreed, the 32-year-old said on Snapchat earlier this year.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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