Emily Nehring and Michael Hanson on criticism on Instagram

Emily Nehring and Michael Hanson on criticism on Instagram

Emily “Voe” Nereng (27) has been receiving a lot of criticism on social media lately, after her first choice on “Farmen kjendis” a few weeks ago. Blogger Kato chose Zahle Pedersen (65 years old), which was not well received by viewers.

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Neering's fiancé, Michael Hanson, 33, has taken on the task of responding to trolls who write ugly comments. The post shows Neering with Kristen Gelsvik, 37, and one of the cows on the farm.

Comments on Nereng's Instagram post read, among other things:

“I thought you had the decency, but I was wrong. Simple and humble for choosing Cato. I was shocked at how cold and cynical you showed yourself. Don't really hope to win the farm, for you will never be a worthy winner after this election.”

Screams: After Sunday's duel, Emily Fu Niering got a surprise on “Farmen kendis”.
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“All respect for you is gone tonight!!!”

“Shame on you for choosing Cato, shame on you really. The most ridiculous excuse I've ever heard in my entire life. I hope you're embarrassed.”

The comments address the episode when it chose Pedersen as the first champion. Hanson, Nearing's fiancée, was moved to read the ugly comments under the post.

- Had to sew the hand on the stomach

– Had to sew the hand on the stomach

Over the weekend, the two were spotted together at the Vixen Awards. Se og Hør caught up with them to hear their take on the situation.

– It was very hot and I had enough. But I stand by it,” Hansson tells Se og Hør during the Vixen Awards on Friday.

VIXEN: The Radar duo are together at the awards show this weekend.  Photo: Andreas Vadum/Si og Hour

VIXEN: The Radar duo are together at the awards show this weekend. Photo: Andreas Vadum/Si og Hour
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Go on the defensive

The 33-year-old says he couldn't let the comments pass, as they are dealing with someone he loves dearly.

– I experience the kindest person I know being attacked, and as a lover, it eventually ends. Sure, I could be more diplomatic, but that's secondary to me at the moment. Someone had to stand up for her, simple as that, he continues.

Secret settlement behind the camera

Secret settlement behind the camera

Hanson's answer reads, among others:

“I hope you learn about Emily's character, values ​​and history over the past 15 years and feel truly ashamed.”

“RONKGRUTAN”: Current “Farmen kjendis” Onni Askeland presents herself properly in her exhibition “Ullersmovegen 2”. Video: Exclusive / The Red Runner.
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Another profile commented that people should follow Nereng's profile on Instagram. Hanson answered this:

“By the way, I also hope you still have as few followers as you already have.”

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– Allows me to demolish easily

Neering did not respond to any of the comments inciting her. She has a slightly different approach to dealing with the situation.

– My psychiatrist advised me to deal with it, because there is not much we can change about other people. At the same time that some new facts that are not true have been proven this time, it is about standing up for yourself a little bit, and trying to maintain your confidence, Nearing tells Se og Hør.

bubble: “Famous Farm” – Sander knew nothing about Emma's dream.
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The blogger knows she is aware of the negative comments, but she exploits those around her to rely on them.

– I am easily torn by criticism. She continued, “I want to connect with the friends and family around me so I can remember that I am a good person, and instead focus on that.”

Engaged: The couple got engaged last September.  Photo: Christine Sforte

Engaged: The couple got engaged last September. Photo: Christine Sforte
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When Hanson took on the task of defending his girlfriend, Fu was unaware of it.

– I didn't realize that he answered people before he said “they” and now they started criticizing him. Then I wondered why anyone would criticize him. Before I could understand what he had done, the 27-year-old laughs.

- He stayed to die

– He stayed to die

She still thinks it's positive that he stands by her side in a situation like this.

-I know that he does this out of love, and it is nice for me to know that he stands up for me in such situations.

Read also: -I became very self-absorbed

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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