Norwegian Defense Research Institute, an industry research institute

Norwegian Defense Research Institute, an industry research institute

●Discussion Jean-Ivar Botnan

The Norwegian Armed Forces Research Institute is the body that can provide good and accurate advice to the Norwegian Armed Forces at a very difficult time. An industrial institute should not be measured primarily on publications and citations, but on the development of defense capabilities.

The Defense Committee expresses that technological mastery is one of the cornerstones of the country's defence, writes the historian. — Why then is research and development not mentioned among the main points in the recommendations?

This text is a discussion post. The content of the text expresses the author's own opinion.

The defense budget is in play More than NOK 90 billion and must be increased sharply to reach NATO's target of 2 percent of GDP.

Evaluations and investigations It shows that the armed forces face enormous challenges. Over a number of years, there has been an imbalance between functions, structure and finances. The chassis has serious deficiencies, consumables are not in stock, ammunition is missing, expensive peacetime platforms have been lost, materials have been discontinued due to staff shortages, and technological competence in many areas is deficient. Coherence of plans has been poor, bullying and harassment have eroded reputations, sectoral thinking has become a hallmark of the defense branches, and there are doubts about NATO's ability to consolidate its strength.


NTNU and the Norwegian Armed Forces are cooperating closely on the new master's degree

The National Audit Office says that “defense information systems have vulnerabilities that could have serious consequences for the security of the nation” and that “it is highly objectionable that the Ministry of Defense has not taken adequate measures to achieve Parliament’s ambition for combat air forces in 2025, even though the risks have long been known.” .

These are conclusions drawn from open sources, but true defense capability will only be revealed when crisis strikes.

Norwegian Defense Research Institute (FFI) For several years he carried out structuring and cost calculations for the Norwegian Armed Forces. There is hardly any other sector that has a more solid planning foundation. However, things are very bad. There is reason to fear that a rapid increase in the budget will lead to bad new investments and imbalances at a higher level. This unease is shared by the Defense Committee, which says: “The Committee would like to emphasize that one cannot recommend comprehensive economic strengthening without a strict and sustained demand for the efficient and responsible use of resources at the same time.”

Now the funds are allocated
At a high pace without the government assuring us how the “difficult and persistent demands” will be presented. Surprisingly, this is not a topic of public debate. There appears to be an urgent need to spend money to achieve the 2% target set by NATO.

FFI will be able to play A much more important role than it is today in achieving the efficiency and modernization of the armed forces. A lot has to do with efficiency and analytical ability, as well as organization and influence. Foreign financial institutions must be given a clearer and broader mandate.


It will have its own “research council” for defense and security

Norway participated In NATO operations, the other party is equipped with Kalashnikov rifles, rocket launchers, and homemade bombs. Now the Norwegian Armed Forces must prepare to face a high-tech adversary; With nuclear weapons, drones, hypersonic missiles, space surveillance and communications systems, autonomous systems, artificial intelligence, advanced biotechnology, and long-range nuclear-powered missiles and torpedoes.

Within certain areas NATO must consider confronting a technologically superior adversary. The possibility of nuclear weapons being used is higher than ever. The Doomsday Clock is 90 seconds to midnight. The Defense Committee recognizes these challenges and expresses that technological mastery is one of the cornerstones of the country's defense.

Why was research and development not mentioned among the main points in the recommendations?

Jean-Ivar Botnan

Taking into account the With the committee's focus on technology, it is surprising that none of those who signed the report on May 3, 2023 had a professional background in military technology or science. How can they make accurate recommendations just by listening to others? Why was the FFI director not on the committee? Why was research and development not mentioned among the main points in the recommendations? When the Defense Committee also expressed that: “The impression is that R&D work in this sector is of a rather short-term and reactive nature,” it is clear that there is a lot to address.

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When you miss the roses In Khrono (October 2, 2023) addresses research cooperation with the civil sector, it can seem attractive, especially as a topic in party speeches. Good cooperation!

●Discussion Wires Tveto and Kenneth Rudd

We now need military and civilian research cooperation

Some of us He has experience in transforming FFI into a research institute serving multiple ministries and collaborating with civilian research environments. In the 1990s, we established BAS projects that assessed vulnerabilities in society, many of which still exist. The series of projects continues and we have implemented a number of projects for various civil sectors. In addition, we bet on participation in the European Union's framework programme, “Horizon Europe”, and obtained project financing in the amount of many millions of euros.

FFI has led many projects. Leading major European research projects was exhausting, but the hardest part was communicating the results to those who were supposed to be working to create a safer society. They lacked the organization and experience needed to interact with research environments, and the FFI's focus was more on research than communication.

When the Armed Forces are still struggling in many areas, it must be because the FFI's considerable experience is of no use to the organization of the Armed Forces.

Jean-Ivar Botnan

FFI Project Portfolio For the armed forces in 2022 it was NOK 1.1 billion. FFI has a number of skilled staff in most defense related fields. When the Armed Forces are still struggling in many areas, it must be because the FFI's considerable experience is of no use to the organization of the Armed Forces. The FFI annually publishes the Defense Analysis, which is a wide-ranging review of the situation in the Armed Forces, but there is a long way from the report's advice and recommendations to concrete measures to make the Armed Forces better.

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Number of projects Has operational capabilities, but is insufficiently coordinated and directed towards the most important challenges; How can tanks and artillery survive on a satellite-monitored battlefield with swarms of drones and AI-guided missiles flying overhead? How do we fight in a radioactively contaminated area? How vulnerable are ships to hypersonic missiles? What command, control, sensor and information systems are required for the armed forces to be able to carry out coordinated operations across the defense branches, use new technology in all domains and interact with our closest allies, including Finland and Sweden?

●Discussion Soreide, Leek, Storfold, and Sandnismo

Defense research should become a separate area of ​​the Research Council

Coordinated analysis Answering all these questions requires an administration capable of bringing the institute together, clarifying it, and providing clear and strong advice to the armed forces on difficult matters. Administrative coordination is not enough. FFI must return to its roots when FFI was a small institute for big problems (Finn Lied) and the leader knew what he led (Nels Holm). Today's leadership must have a deep vision of the tasks of the armed forces and be able to discuss them with the political and military leadership. Scientific achievements are not a goal, but only a means.

Tveto should come Use their energies to make the FFI the body that can provide good and accurate advice to the Armed Forces at a very difficult time. Prioritizing close academic and organizational coordination with civilian research constitutes a dangerous side track. FFI is an industrial institute that should not be measured primarily on publications and citations, but on the development of defense capabilities.


It will facilitate the adoption of vocational education for the armed forces

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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