Gaza demonstrators were arrested in front of New York University in a major police operation

Gaza demonstrators were arrested in front of New York University in a major police operation

Police arrested about 300 pro-Palestinian demonstrators during protests at two universities in New York.

Television footage showed police officers wearing helmets and shields entering Columbia University, located in upper Manhattan. They also brought tapes with them to use in the event of arrest.

This happened at nine o'clock on Tuesday evening. Only two hours later, the announcement came that the administration building, Hamilton Hall, had been evacuated of demonstrators.

Protesters occupied the building earlier in the day. According to the Associated Press news agency, dozens of police officers entered the building through a window.

There were also actions against protesters at City College.

According to New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a total of 300 people were arrested following the Gaza demonstrations at Columbia University and City College.

For the next several weeks

According to Agence France-Presse, school principal Minouche Shafiq asked the police to help evacuate the areas where the demonstrations took place. Police are asked to be in the area until at least May 17.

The police explained earlier today that they would not enter the area without the university, without the administration requesting it or an emergency situation arising.

“After the university learned overnight that Hamilton Hall had been occupied, vandalized and closed, we had no choice,” a university announcement said.

Police responded Tuesday evening to Columbia University.

He does not take a position on this issue

It is also said that the educational institution's security personnel were forced out of the building and that a staff member was threatened.

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The decision to seek assistance from the NYPD was a reaction to the actions of the protesters, not the cause they were fighting for, the letter further stated.

Columbia University has been at the heart of a wave of demonstrations in Gaza on campuses across the United States in recent weeks. The demonstrations led to a heated debate about where school leaders should draw the line between freedom of expression and hate speech.

More than 1,000 were arrested in total

In recent weeks, more than 1,000 protesters have been arrested at universities in the United States, including the universities of Texas, Utah, Virginia, North Carolina, New Mexico, Connecticut, Louisiana, California and New Jersey. Several places witnessed violent clashes between students and police.

Earlier Tuesday, Columbia University administration threatened academic suspension to students who participated in the home occupation.

In the past two weeks, there has also been a camp on campus.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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