The wild reindeer tribe must be saved, the tunnels give them space for a better life

The wild reindeer tribe must be saved, the tunnels give them space for a better life

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The animals will then have to reclaim land north of National Highway 7. This will give the wild reindeer access to a larger and better grazing area. They need to do so quickly, because the condition of the animals is worse than ever. Therefore, a tunnel under Deranot must be built quickly, as one of several urgent measures.

The people who signed this post are all wild reindeer herders. Early on, we were allowed to join in the hunt with our parents. Now we fear that future generations will not have this nature experience. Several of us gathered in Deranute last fall for a meeting about what could be done to save wild reindeer.

Today, the road over the Deranoth Meadow serves as an effective fence for access to many of the animals' historic migration routes. This view has also been supported by the Norwegian Center for Wild Reindeer. In the input meeting and subsequent reports from both the state managers in Viken and Trøndelag, the tunnel was also mentioned as one of several measures to save wild reindeer.

We must not forget that Norway bears responsibility for international supervision of these animals, which are now on the Red List of threatened species. The tunnel will be a positive contribution not only to wild reindeer, but will also provide a safer, winter-proof mountain crossing between east and west. To enhance preparedness in an unstable world with a harsher, wetter and warmer climate, satisfactory critical infrastructure must be ensured.

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Rv 7 Hardangervidda is the emergency route of the Bergen railway corridor, and a more predictable section in winter with tunnels is necessary. We also know that the closure of the Lærdal Tunnel over five years will lead to changes in the traffic pattern, with a 50-70 percent increase in traffic over Hardangervidda. The constant change in traffic makes it necessary to improve the road over Hardangervidda, through a tunnel under Dyranut.

It will ensure life for both wild reindeer and road users. Best regards, young reindeer herders.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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