Parents must engage in Russian attitudes and behaviors

Parents must engage in Russian attitudes and behaviors

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Dear Russian parents!

The bird has flown, and Russia is making its mark. The music thunders in the body, and “your” Russian rolls anxiously on the roads. From town to town along the southern coast – and then back home. It's a party, and there's a good atmosphere. There will be late nights and early mornings.

Moms and dads aren't that important anymore. You have to let go, and it's scary and unfamiliar. You feel a rumbling unease in your stomach. “But I'd rather things go well,” she thinks. will. We treat these wonderful young people with a well-deserved Russian celebration. A celebration that has been transferred to the roads, and is held on the wheels of cars and buses.

But as Russians move on the roads night after night, there is always danger. It is therefore important that parents are also involved in the Russian's attitudes and behavior when it comes to rolling.

Because even if your parents feel helpless and marginalized, you still have an important task to do. They take their share of responsibility, and they are there. Be available. Be drivable – ready to pick up or park if something happens.

Attending also means helping Russians make the right choices, and facilitating a safe Russian celebration. In the hectic rush hour, it's easy to miss something. So let it be the safety net the Russians need when they themselves throw off their shackles at sea.

We cannot risk losing even one of our young people to a tragic accident.

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We at Trygg Trafikk have a special interest in the safety of Russian buses, which are often old and in poor condition. Some of them may actually be “time bombs on the road.” So there is no doubt that roadworthiness tests carried out by the Norwegian Road Administration and the police are important and valid, to ensure that vehicles and drivers meet all requirements. So that the Russians can roll safely.

Perhaps what is not adequately reported is that there is also a clear risk of fire in Russian buses and cars. Among other things, there are dangerous gases emitted by diesel generators used in sound systems, which require proper ventilation to avoid accidents. Your parents can help make sure this is safe and organized.

Another obvious concern is whether everyone is rolling over in their seats. With many unorganized Russian groups often having extra passengers, it is very easy to forget the safety of everyone on board, or to check if there are more people on board than the number of seats available. In such cases, the bus can become a life-threatening “rolling disco.”

Who bears responsibility for this? Is this the bus manager? Is this the bus driver? Is he the one who is sober? Or is it up to each individual to take responsibility? There's a reason to have a conversation with your Russian about this. Find out who is responsible for ensuring everyone's safety when you start work.

Because what could the consequences be? Is this caution, some might think. But the truth is that if you don't wear a seat belt, you are at high risk of crashing. And perhaps worse: you pose a great danger to everyone around you.

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Because let's say your weight is 70 kg. In the event of a collision at a speed of only 50 km/h, your body mass would correspond to about 1 ton! It's more than just a full-grown fawn that will be thrown into the bus by a sudden brake.

Then you can ask yourself this important question:

Do you want to leave your newborn little one loose and unsafe in the car when you go out for driving? If the answer to this is (hopefully) no, then you have to answer whether there is any difference when the same child grows up?

In other words: Do you want to allow your adult child to stand or sit unsecured on a Russian bus or Russian car in zone 110 on the E18 road tonight?

Think before you shrug your shoulders and cross your fingers. Talk to the Russian instead. Talk to other parents. Take responsibility for establishing shared command rules. Be the confident adult who will let the Russian – your dear child – return home safely.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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