Havslund buys Tonstad Vindpark | Haveslund

Havslund buys Tonstad Vindpark |  Haveslund

Hafslund is buying Tonstad Vindpark in the municipalities of Sirdal and Flekkefjord from a fund managed by Swiss investment firm SUSI Partners. The purchase is a significant enhancement to Hafslund's existing wind energy portfolio.

Hafslund Kraft has purchased Tonstad Wind Park. Hafslund Kraft is Norway's second-largest energy producer, with a stake in 80 hydropower stations and two wind power plants. The company is owned by Hafslund and Eidsiva Energi, which in turn are wholly owned by the municipalities, Innlandet District Council and the Municipality of Oslo.

Tonstad Vindpark is among the largest land-based wind power plants in Norway with an output of 208 MW and an annual output of about 670 GWh, which corresponds to the electricity consumption of about 100,000 people. The purchase represents a significant boost to Hafslund's wind energy portfolio, which today consists of a 20 percent ownership stake in the Raskiftet and Kjølberget wind farms. In addition, Hafslund gets a larger spread in the energy portfolio with production in the nitrogen dioxide price range.

– Tonstad Vindpark is a good and profitable wind power plant which also ensures that Norwegian industrial workplaces are supplied with electricity at predictable prices. Through ownership of more than 80 power plants, we know what it means to be a visible and responsible player in our local communities. We are proud to have good relationships with all of our host municipalities, and we look forward to getting to know Syrdal and Flekfjord better, says Christine Lien, Managing Director of Hafslund Kraft.

The energy production from Tonstad Wind Park was sold to Hydro Energi through a 25-year long-term power purchase agreement.

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Provides valuable experience

The potential for new hydropower development is limited. In order to meet the growing need for energy, Hafslund is also looking for opportunities in wind and solar energy. The experience gained from Tonstad Wind Park will make Hafslund better equipped to develop, operate and own new wind energy projects.

– No one in Norway has developed more new hydropower than Hafslund in the past ten years. However, Tonstad Wind Park represents a different type of investment. For us, it's about gaining better insight into the unique challenges, solutions and technologies of a wind power plant. “We want to develop good wind projects in relation to the needs of energy, nature and local communities, and the experience we gain from Tonstad Wind Park will be an important contribution on the way there,” says Lian.

Hafslund Kraft will change the company name from Tonstad Vindpark AS to Tonstad Vindkraftverk AS. Implementation of the transaction requires approval from the Norwegian Competition Authority and NVE.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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