Torvet and Lilletorvet – what does Trondheim want?

Torvet and Lilletorvet – what does Trondheim want?

Toilet application from 2019 promised room for more spectators than the rebuilt Torvet. Now the ski toilet will tear up bushes, trees and benches, according to a notice in Adresseavisen recently. Municipal director Morten Walden goes further: ““It was unwise to build the Torvette the way it was done.”.

What went wrong? Are it the limitations of the new Torvet that reduce its suitability, or is it due to a lack of history or a lack of cultural understanding of what a torv really is?

Shouldn't the most important gathering place in the city be an attractive place for everyday life and parties, summer and winter, and not just a “dead” place that you quickly pass by? The arena should also be able to open its doors for large events, such as the city's jubilee celebration in 1997 and next year's World Ski Championships.

No to major reconstruction in Torvet

After the city fire In 1681, Cicignon prepared City plan With wide streets to prevent the spread of fire between wooden buildings. Between Nidaros Cathedral and Moncolmen He drew streetMunkegaten, with Torvet Square as the central point of the city plan.

In 1921, it became a statue of the city's founder Olaf Tryggvason Travel in relation to Dovrepanin Opening. On the 900th anniversary of its founding Holy Olaf in 1930 was made sundial About the statue.

The statue still stands there while the magnificent sundial has shrunk beyond recognition. There have been some interesting patterns in the pavement at Torvet, but are they enough to justify removing the beautiful sundial?

Near the statue, some small water bubbles can be seen that cannot be seen from a distance. Why be so careful with water around the statue?

The skating rink brought life to Torvet in the winter. How about continuing this idea into a circular water mirror around the statue with a fountain, which becomes an ice skating rink in the winter?

Along the outer edge of the water mirror, nozzles are placed that throw water inward like a beautiful Trønster Fountain. The nozzles are installed on the deck, without overhanging the edges, so that the Torvet appears as a classic urban space. The ice surface melts in the spring and the fountain is brought to life to the delight of young and old. At large events, such as the World Ski Championships, the nozzles are closed, the fountain disappears and the entire area is opened to spectators.

There are many fine examples of urban spaces containing such fountains, for example Ferrari Square in Genoa and the Christian Science Center in Boston.

In Trondheim there is not only Torvet, but also Lilletorvet, which was renamed Place Cicignon on its 300th birthday. Johan Nygaardsvold Surrounded today by disgusting records! Let us hope that this is temporary, so that the urban space for encounters between people can be recreated.

An extension of Cicignons plass is Elsa Laula Renbergs plass. This has become known as the unattractive space in front of the KUK Art Gallery. Here was the beautiful sculpture “Flying Flying”, which has been replaced by figures that do not invite play or survival.

Between the two places, there are some drawings showing what the “new” place could be like that do not elicit applause! Why so uninspiring? Why not create an attractive urban space here, preferably using water?

And then back to the ski toilet. Is it really necessary to tear down trees and benches to provide enough space for the audience? Why not remove cars in Monkegaten towards Nidaros Cathedral. With the TV screens strategically placed, Munkegaten will be included as an extension of Torvet. Let Ski WC show that these are not just empty words on the Town Hall podium, and let the trees and shrubs remain on the outer edge of Torvet!

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Najuma Ojukwu

Najuma Ojukwu

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