A 49-year-old man is accused of stabbing a 60-year-old man to death

A 49-year-old man is accused of stabbing a 60-year-old man to death

Police went to the house and found the 60-year-old man dead. Photo: Jan Kar Ness/NTB

A 49-year-old man has been charged with stabbing and killing a 60-year-old man who had rented him a room in Haugesund.

The 60-year-old murdered man was found dead in an apartment in Haugesund on August 14, 2023.

A 49-year-old man, who rented a room to a 60-year-old man, is now accused of stabbing him multiple times in the back and head.

The manslaughter charge was filed by order of the Public Prosecutor.

– He admits guilt. He initially acted as an emergency goalkeeper, but admitted that he went too far with his defensive actions, the 49-year-old's defender Orjan Eskiland wrote in an SMS to VG.

The dead man's 60-year-old daughter spoke to her father on the phone every day. When she could no longer hold him, she became anxious. However, the now-accused landlord is said to have assured his daughter that there was no reason to worry.

According to the indictment, the murder occurred on August 1, two weeks before the 60-year-old was found.

On August 14, the daughter traveled from Oslo to Haugesund to investigate on her own whether something was wrong – after first calling the police without getting help. As she and her friend approached the front door, they smelled a foul odor. They then called the police again, who have now moved on. When they entered the home, they found the 60-year-old man dead, according to the report Haugesund newspaper.

The owner was in the lake on a boat, but the police found him and arrested him.

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In the first interviews, the accused denied having anything to do with the case, but he later confessed to the murder.

However, he claims that this was caused by a quarrel between the two.

The 49-year-old is also accused of taking money from the 60-year-old's bedroom after the murder. He spent at least 53,668 of the deceased's money and had another 26,692 in his possession at the time of his arrest, according to the indictment.

Lawyer Björn Axel Henriksen represents my deceased child. Which is what he stated previously TV2 That children are having difficulty.

Henriksen said: – To them, his explanation seems like a fairy tale from someone who wants to evade responsibility.

VG was unable to obtain a comment from Prosecutor Henriette Kvinsland.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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