Scientists have discovered “Gliese 12b” – a potentially habitable planet the size of Earth

Scientists have discovered “Gliese 12b” – a potentially habitable planet the size of Earth

NASA posted this illustration of “Gliese 12b” on its website. The planet orbits what is referred to as a cool red dwarf star. Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (California Institute of Technology-IPAC)

Astronomer Haakon Daly describes it as “right next door,” and believes the discovery could provide new answers about the planets in our solar system.

– Of course, there will be no talk about going there right away, but it is very interesting to find a planet so close to us, he says. astronomer Dahle to VG and adds excitedly:

– Astronomically, it's right in the neighborhood.

Earlier this week, two research reports were published, and they have delivered Exoplanet Name “Gliese 12b”. The surface temperature should be around 42 degrees.

NASA refers to the results as “Fantastic” and “exciting”.

It can give new answers

This discovery could lead to major breakthroughs:

– There are only a few good exoplanets that we have found as good candidates. This is the closest, and it's a very big discovery, says PhD student Larissa Palethorpe CNN.

Satellite image of Earth taken in October 2015. Image: NASA

Dahl emphasizes that he himself is not researching this, but points to the discovery as one of the “most exciting things” in research when it comes to Earth-like planets orbiting other stars.

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Studying this planet is much easier than studying the vast majority of other planets that have been discovered, and it is very interesting that its size is between Earth and planet Earth. Venus. Now it is necessary to find out whether he has, among other things Atmosphere And liquid water on the surface, says Dahle-linked Department of Theoretical Astrophysics At the University of Oslo.

Haakon Daly
<-Haakon Daly

Astronomer and researcher at the University of Oslo since 2008.

-The fact that it is slightly warmer than Earth and cooler than Venus can be used to understand how planets work on our planet Solar System It has evolved into what it is, says Dahl.

Huge distance

If you are now starting to dream about the possibility of being able to visit Gliese 12b, it must be noted that that journey is at its furthest stage now anyway.

With today's fastest spacecraft, it would take about 225,000 years to get from Earth to the “new” planet…


In an earlier version of this case, it was stated that Haakon Daly was an astrologer, but this is of course not true – he is an astronomer. The error was corrected on 26/05/24 at 08:33.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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