Erna Solberg, Youth Crime | The Conservatives want to jail child criminals: Labour's Tonji Brenna is open to the proposal

Erna Solberg, Youth Crime |  The Conservatives want to jail child criminals: Labour's Tonji Brenna is open to the proposal

We must be strict with criminals, and harsh with the causes of crime. Young and vulnerable people who break the law must be dealt with quickly and followed up on an ongoing basis. The problem must be tackled forcefully and effectively at its roots, Brenna writes for Nettavisen.

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The comment follows a suggestion by Tory child protection policy spokesman Tjae Pietersen that they open their own “detention facilities” for juvenile offenders.

Child protection is believed to be ineffective

In an article he published TV2.noHe details the proposal to implement strict measures such as placing ankle chains on children and opening their own children's prisons to deal with rising youth crime.

– Many children are under child protection care, but they have neither the competence nor the authority to provide appropriate treatment, or lock the door, Taj Petersen tells TV2.

TV 2 wrote that institutional governance should be at the national level and intended for children and young people who commit serious and repeated crimes. It should look like a child care center, but with a closed door.

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Needs new tools

Brenna stresses the need to take intervention and innovative measures to deal with this growing trend.

– I think we need new tools to deal with the smallest criminals. “I have no partisan ambiguity about good proposals – that is too important to be manipulated,” she says.

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She says the AP is interested in preventing the rise in youth crime.

– The most important thing is to reduce recruitment into criminal circles, and ensure that education and work are a more profitable way to support an individual than breaking the law. Any means of coercion must be accompanied by follow-up that provides opportunities for a safe life on the right side of the law. Brenna emphasizes that confining children in an institution does not necessarily make them good neighbors later in life.

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Concerned about development

Youth crimes in the country have increased in recent years. Earlier this year, NTB wrote that the country's eight largest municipalities sent a letter to the government asking for strengthened efforts to combat the surge.

– We urban municipalities are concerned about development. We have a special responsibility to create good communities and safe development conditions for children and young people. But we need framework conditions from the state that make this possible, the letter says.

According to NTB, among other things, they asked for permission to share all necessary information. They also want the government to ensure that a sufficient number of institutional places are created in the field of child protection, that adequate psychological care is provided for children and young people within the specialized health service and that youth units in correctional services are strengthened.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

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