The author protects today's youth (and their parents).

The author protects today's youth (and their parents).

As a teacher, I also see things that worry me. But remember that most teenagers are completely normal.

  • A teacher at a primary school in the municipality of Bergen

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This is a discussion post. The entry was written by an external contributor, and quality assured by BT's discussion department. Opinions and analysis are the author's own.

Last time News reports are characterized by youth delinquency, crisis meetings between parents, and general distress.

I don't doubt for a second the truth in these articles, I see the same a lot in my daily life. I think it's absolutely fantastic with great commitment from parents in different districts.

This is an exclusively positive move, so one can only hope that the parents of the youngsters in question get the message.

Parents flock to parenting meetings.  Here from Fana District in April.

Because reality Most young people are completely normal. By this I mean they are completely normal. Some tackle academics with flying colors. Some shine in their group of friends, but struggle on the mat. Some struggle to go to school, but are perfectly fine as a person. Some don't stand out academically or socially, but you get that look that tells a teacher, “You'll be fine.”

So to most parents I would say: keep going. You are doing a great job with your youth. It will go well.

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Do you have one? concern To one of your son or daughter's friends?

Invite them home for you Create positive experiences for youth struggling to find their identity. Show with all your heart that this is a safe place. Ask them about their lives and you will see that they are basically young people who need love and a safe environment.

Are there too many complaints against today's youth?

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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