This is the email that changed everything for Else Kåss Furuseth and Tommy Johansen

This is the email that changed everything for Else Kåss Furuseth and Tommy Johansen

When comedian Elsie Cass Foruseth (43 years old) announced that she was getting married in Oslo, the wedding received a lot of attention.

Kåss Furuseth was left without a groom and had to find a girlfriend before the wedding on April 21.

Turn for shock message

Cass Foruseth's love life was documented by the talk show “ELSE!”, and in the end she chose Tommy Johansson (49 years old) as her chosen one.

In the documentary “Else + Tommy = true,” they reveal how they ended up together.

It was kept hidden: no one in the public knew that Tommy Johansen was the one Else Kåss Furuseth was to marry.  Photo: Bayat Uma Dahli/NTB

It was kept hidden: no one in the public knew that Tommy Johansen was the one Else Kåss Furuseth was to marry. Photo: Bayat Uma Dahli/NTB
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Registered by “Family”

When it became known that Johanssen was Cass Foruseth's new husband, it was soon revealed that he worked as a chef for billionaire Erik Stein (67 years old).

to Daily newspaper Can Hagen tell us how Johanssen ended up as part of the TV concept?

-I think I've deleted the profile

-I think I've deleted the profile

“It was my daughter Caroline who told Tommy about this, so we were all watching with bated breath to see how it would go,” Hagen said.

Caroline Hagen Kjos (40) is Hagen's youngest daughter and runs the family business Canica from Switzerland, where she lives with her husband and four children.

In “Else + Tommy = true”, you can now see what she wrote when she wanted to marry Chef Kåss Furuseth.

Tommy the Recorder: It was Caroline Hagen Kjos (left) who recorded Tommy Johansen.  Here with Stein's dad Erich Hagen and his sister Camilla Hagen in 2009. Photo: Terje Bendiksby/NTB

Tommy the Recorder: It was Caroline Hagen Kjos (left) who recorded Tommy Johansen. Here with Stein's dad Erich Hagen and his sister Camilla Hagen in 2009. Photo: Terje Bendiksby/NTB
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“One of my favorite guys”

The episode shows that the email was sent on November 28 with the subject line “The Email I've Been Waiting For So Long.”

The email begins with Hagen Kjos saying she's found the perfect guy for the comedian, but he's not good at showing himself off.

Hagen Kjos is full of praise for Johansen.

Completely changed your life: this is what Caroline Hagen Kåss wrote in her email to Else Kåss Furuseth.  Image: Warner Bros. screenshot.  Discovery

Completely changed your life: this is what Caroline Hagen Kåss wrote in her email to Else Kåss Furuseth. Image: Warner Bros. screenshot. Discovery
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“Tommy is one of my favorite guys. He has a heart of gold and his warm nature and good sense of humor radiate to everyone around him. If you walk into a room and Tommy is there, you automatically feel better, because you can feel his positive energy immediately, it radiates. It radiates the same way.” That your energy radiates from the TV as it fills our living room,” she wrote in an email.

Wedding: That's what Tommy Johansen said when he saw Else Kåss Furuseth walking towards him at the wedding. Video: “Else + Tommy = true”/TVNorge/Max
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In conclusion, she highly recommends that Cass Foruseth go on a date with Johansen.

“With my hand on my heart, I haven't heard anyone say a single bad word about Tommy. We're looking forward to the wedding!”

He was at the wedding

Obviously, Hagen Caius predicted correctly, and there was a wedding between Cas Förseth and Johansen.

to Daily newspaper Stein Erik Hagen can say that his family and staff helped celebrate the big day.

Share a bed photo

Share a bed photo

– Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to attend Spektrum on Saturday. But my daughter Caroline, her husband and four children, my son Karl-Eric, and two of our employees in Switzerland made the trip from Zurich on one mission to witness it all, Hagen said.

– Furthermore, we also gathered 60 employees and friends of our company who know Tommy well to celebrate his big day. Everyone rejoiced at the happiness and good luck of the bride and groom.

bubble: Newlywed Else Kåss Furuseth took a liter of aquavit with her when she was invited to a party at Vidar Villa.
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Johansen worked for the billionaire for a number of years.

– Stein Erich and his children have been my family for 30 years. Now I've got another one as well. “Life is at its peak now – and I am looking forward to the future,” he told Se og Hør.

Read also: Reveals wedding planning details

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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