Meta will train AI on your posts and photos – NRK Norway – An overview of news from different parts of the country

Meta will train AI on your posts and photos – NRK Norway – An overview of news from different parts of the country

Meta is a company with several Violation of privacy And data leaks.

In the last few days, they sent out a notification on Facebook.

dead Must use Your posts and images to train artificial intelligence (AI) computer models.

– This applies to posts (not comments) that users in the EU share with the general public on Instagram and Facebook.

This is what Matthew Pollard, a spokesman for Meta, wrote in an email to NRK.

– It is emphasized that accounts belonging to users under the age of 18 are not included.

AI training begins on June 26.


– serious

In practical terms, this means that your facial features, a Russian-era party photo or a post in which you ask the prime minister to resign could become part of AI training.

“It's scary, but it's also problematic,” says lawyer and privacy consultant Ida Thorsrud.

Meta advises that user data will be automatically used to train the company's AI models. According to Thorsrud, Meta denies you the copyright to your content without asking for consent.

– Meta says over and over again that they take our privacy lightly.

– Meta normalizes the use of our personal data in ways we cannot control, says Ida Thorsrud.

Photo: Laksha Miner

Although you can object, opting out is not easy. You have to follow several steps: fill out the form, explain the reason for your objection, and confirm your email address with a code.

When NRK tried to refuse to participate in the AI ​​training, we received a response that Meta had accepted it. But then Try, It was not possible at all.

Many users have shared on social media that Meta does not accept their protests.

Meta reply sent to Facebook user

One Facebook user was told that the protest was unacceptable.

Photo: private

– These rights you have are worthless if the Meta doesn't make it possible for you to actually benefit from them, says Thorsrud.

NRK asked Meta a number of questions. They didn't answer everything, but to a question about how they handle protest forms and how they decide whether to reject a user, Meta spokesperson Matthew Pollard wrote that forms “are not automatically rejected.”

-We will process protest forms in accordance with all local privacy laws. Our approach is consistent with other leading technology companies, including Google and OpenAI, he adds.

Privacy consultant Thorsrud is particularly concerned about users with no technical experience and believes many will not notice the Meta change at all.

For many, this change will remain under the radar, and that is dangerous, says Thorsrud.

My first advice is to protest. The second thing is: stay away from Facebook. She says it is an old method that is trying hard to keep up with the artificial intelligence race.

Facebook and Instagram

Ida Thorsrud admits that it is difficult to leave the newer and more popular platforms with young people, such as Instagram for example.

Photograph: Jenny Kane/AP

– Within the legislation

Thorsrud believes tech giants are interpreting and using the legislation to their own advantage.

Meta is making this change within regulations because it is not used consent As a basis for treatment, however Legitimate interest.

– This means they believe Meta's interests are more important than your privacy rights, explains Thorsrud.

– I can't say it's illegal, but it's incredibly deceptive and dishonest, she says.

This basis for processing raises questions, for example whether the person has shared on Facebook that they have come out of the closet, Thorsrud says.

– Gender, ethnicity and previous criminal convictions are examples of sensitive personal data. Meta can be used Legitimate interests “To process general personal data, but not such sensitive data,” it says.

Tobias Godin, from the Norwegian Data Protection Authority, describes Pegasus as very sophisticated.

Meta is known to prolong the process as much as possible. When the decision finally comes, it may no longer be relevant, says Tobias Godin.

Photo: Elijah C. Hendel

Expect complaints

This is not the first time Meta has taken controversial steps to exploit user data.

Last year, I got dead Daily fines By the Norwegian Data Protection Authority to benefit from it Legitimate interest To use user data for personal marketing.

The lawsuit began with a complaint from NOYB.

The same organization will likely complain to Meta again about changing key information, says Tobias Godin, head of the international division at the Norwegian Data Protection Authority.

– NOYB says they will complain. Then all data supervisory authorities in Europe will work together to find a solution, he says.

Is it possible to stop meta?

– Yes, it is possible, but it will take a long time. Every time there is a case against Meta, they appeal all the decisions and take them to the courts. He says they push the case as far as they can, and it often takes a very long time.

If there is a complaint and Meta has to withdraw their model, they risk two things, according to Godin.

One is fine, which he doesn't think is a big deal for Meta. The second: obliging them to delete their models or stop using them.

– This is the worst thing that could happen to Meta because it will hit Meta's business model hard. “I also believe that the solutions they create today can be the basis for future solutions,” Godin says.

05/31/2024 at 18.39

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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