– has legendary status – NRK Nordland

– I am a general practitioner and that is very close to my heart, Bjørkholt tells NRK.

After two-and-a-half years in a suit and tie in national politics, it came to an abrupt end this spring when Health and Care Minister Ingwilt Kerkol (AP) resigned following a fraud case at Nord University.

Later Labor politician Björkoldt also lost his job.

Now the drama hero will be seen in a new outfit.

Especially in white, a new alternative GP in Lofoten's remote small island community of Røst.

At least for the next two weeks.

– When I suddenly did not hold a political position, at first it was natural. So I haven't made a final decision on what I want in the long term, says Björkold, which is what Norwegian municipalities need.

The ferry departs from a cave in Rost, on the far side of Lofoten.

Motivation: The voice is enticing with beautiful scenery.

Photo: Benjamin Fredrickson / NRK

Because doctors are in high demand in Norway. Last year, 200,000 Norwegians were without a GP, and the doctors who do exist may have intensive working hours.

But right at Røst, the lack of GPs is not a challenge.

– We are always lucky to have a good and stable doctor, said Mayor Elizabeth K. says Mikkelsen (Røst Collaboration List).

He believes that the island municipality has a good reputation among Norwegian doctors.

– Doctors who came out here were good ambassadors and spread the word about what it's like to be a doctor in Røst. Besides the fact that many people find it exciting and attractive to be in a community like ours, Mikkelsen says.

Former Secretary of State Ole Henrik Krat Bjørkholt can rightly confirm.

– Rost has since achieved distinguished status in Norwegian general medicine For Fugelli It was here in the 70s. Here he wrote research papers and gave lectures on roast in East and West, he adds:

– Being a doctor in a roast is something you've heard of.

In addition, Røst has taken some measures to ensure even more stability in staffing and less vulnerable service.

Applications piled up

Earlier Røst municipality is served by a private practitioner, where the municipality has purchased 20 percent of the service as the municipality's chief physician.

But when the municipal supervisor left last summer, the municipality decided to try a new model.

– The medical service in Røst will now consist of three doctors per rotation, who will be on duty for 14 days and then have a month off.

It had an immediate effect, he says Mayor Elizabeth K. Mikkelsen.

– We were very surprised when we received so many applicants for the last advertised position. We received 34 applications.

Mayer adds And in addition to a strong medical service, so is also the goal New arrangement The price should not be higher than before.

And even though Ole Henrik Krat Bjørkholt has replaced the secretary of state's suit with a doctor's coat, he still thinks about what is needed to ensure the best medical services in the county.

Elisabeth Christine Mikkelsen (Sp), mayor of Røst, stands in front of the town hall in Røst.  She is wearing a green blouse and a floral scarf.  She has sunglasses on her head and light hair with a gray tint.  The town hall has the municipal coat of arms in pale yellow just above the wall.

Courtesy: Mayor of Rost Island Municipality, Elizabeth K. Mikkelsen (roast cooperation list), happy that the municipality has a good reputation among doctors.

Photo: Ingrid Gulbrandsen Artel / NRK

Sevenfold increase in GPs in two years

– The GP program is fundamental to the good public health we have. If there aren't good general practitioners in every corner of this country, hospitals won't be able to catch up, says Björkold.

He pointed out that 90 per cent of all illnesses are treated by general practitioners and only 10 per cent are referred to specialist health services.

– If I may brag a little, I think we have succeeded well, because the situation in general medicine has largely changed.

To be exact, 237 new GPs were hired last year. This is seven times more than in 2021.

Then the previous government introduced history Action Plan for General Practitioner Services in 2020Björkold became Secretary of State – the year before the Storr government took office.

Dry fish on roaster shelves.

Sea: Rost Island Municipality lives well away from the sea. Cod is hung here as dried fish.

Photo: Ingrid Gulbrandsen Artel / NRK

Districts need to be creative

Björkold emphasizes that there is a considerable difference between obtaining GPs in Oslo and outside the Norwegian district.

– We must remember that all doctors are trained in big cities. If a young person lives in a big city for seven years, we see an international trend where they also want to establish themselves in a big city.

She says she hasn't met a single general practitioner who didn't think working in the district would be exciting.

– but there are many who cannot imagine settling there for the rest of their lives. Or the wife has a job that is not available in the district. Doctors often bring their families along for the ride.

That's why he applauds municipalities for thinking afresh about GP recruitment.

– If so, an arrangement like this where people can live in one place with their family and then travel out of town, for example to work for a couple of weeks, can be an attractive arrangement.

He again believes that patients will benefit from this.

Ole Henrik Grat Björkold, Ole Henrik Grat Björkold

Back to the roots: Ole Henrik Grat Björkoldt was State Secretary to former Health and Care Minister Ingvild Kergol (AP). Now he will be the GP at Rost.

Photo: Snorre Tønset / NRK

– It is a thousand times better to have three stable, permanent, motivated doctors who can take care of the people of Norwegian districts than temporary agencies that charge lakhs monthly to send doctors out for two weeks. .

In addition, he believes that the GP job in the district should not be exactly related to the posts in big cities.

– It is not certain that Norwegian general medicine can always continue in the same way. Perhaps one should work more interdisciplinary and share tasks with other professions.

– What happens after the temporary position at Røst?

– Then I'll have a short temporary job in Oslo, so we'll see what autumn brings. There are many possibilities. Can I apply for Røst?

19.06.2024, at 06.01

19.06.2024, at 08.28 hrs

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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