Frauds, Artisans | Brit Karin believes that she was deceived by the craftsmen: – I have little sleep

Frauds, Artisans |  Brit Karin believes that she was deceived by the craftsmen: – I have little sleep

(Steinkjer Avisa) – It's a real drain, with little sleep and very demanding days.

Brit Karin Finn is finally starting to see the results of her roof replacement project. On Wednesday, the last screw could turn on the plan, which began this spring.

It wasn't until Easter that she started thinking about replacing the roof of her house in Nordseehagen, Steinkjer. That's why she lashed out when the doorbell suddenly rang.

– He saw the need to replace the ladder on the roof. I said I'm replacing the roof and don't need a new ladder. But that was not a challenge for the company because they also replaced the roof. He is very good at speaking for himself, with energy. I have no doubt that this is the right company.

Finn checked the company's notes and agreed with them that the roof should be replaced on the Tuesday after Easter. None of the artisans came that morning. Since then, Brit Karin has recorded when the artisans are.

During the following days, only sporadic work was carried out while Britt Carr was on duty.

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Sporadic work and broken promises

It was NRK He was the first to say this.

When Britt Karin came home from work one day, the roof of the garage and the roof of the lower part of the house had collapsed. Next day tarpaulin was laid on these places. Next day this tarboy flew away. The next week there was some activity on the roof and it turned out to be quiet. They came on a Saturday and took down the scaffolding.

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After that, Britt didn't see Karin's artisans.

– I felt I had to go with them and reacted to their not coming. Fortunately, I was invited He observed the cars and wondered who they were.

– I had to pick up cigarette butts, cans and bottles, they washed the lawn. They don't behave like they were brought up in a comfortable home.

Finne has engaged a lawyer.

Advances are a regular occurrence

Brit Karin Finn paid part of the roof project in advance and part along the way.

– There is a great cause for alarm. Serious firms enter into contracts. They do the work and then a bill is sent. That is the standard. Asking for an advance makes people suspicious and they choose someone else.

Vidar Saghmir, Project Manager of the European Patrol Division of the Construction Department, tells NRK. He says these conditions are under surveillance.

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– Some of the problem with these situations is that they are often very confident and good at talking about themselves. These are experienced fraudsters who know which buttons to push with people, says Chagmir.

– The usual thing is that there will be money in advance. Poor craftsmanship or half-finished work is offered, he says.

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Called by many

According to Narconsult's report, the minor works carried out were also unsatisfactory.

“Roof and sub-roof torn off throughout house and garage. A new false ceiling and new battens partially put in. Construction with new sub-ceiling and battens is reported to be of poor quality and will need to be demolished before rebuilding.”

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On Monday, Finne was called by another person who made the same point.

– Feel free to buy lottery tickets and birch ice cream

Finne is now involved with Husbygg AS, who has shown how scaffolding and safety should be handled.

The previous company had only a small scaffolding at the bottom of the house.

Husbygg AS has a large scaffolding around the entire house and a support fence on the roof.

– I was told that even though they had a lot of work, when they heard about the roof problems they quickly sent two people to help me. When you see hope that things will work out, you clap your hands. It is in full swing from the week after Easter.

Although it's a desperate situation, Finn is glad in retrospect that the craftsmen ran away before they could do too much wrong.

– If the plates had been placed, they would have disappeared before the storm. They are attached with a screw on one side and a nail on the other. If they do badly at first, it doesn't matter if they leave.

Finn has the following recommendations for people who have the handyman on their doorstep when the roof replacement process is over:

– You can buy lottery tickets from the football club or Birch ice cream from Sanitaton. But serious carpenters don't knock on the door when they come to your house. Reject door-to-door salespeople.

The upfront construction company denied trying to defraud the homeowner.

They have offered to refund a part of the amount. In an email to NRK, the general manager writes:

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“Shortly into the project, our collaboration with a subcontractor ended in Steinkjer due to poor quality of work.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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