Drama “Good Luck Guys”: – Made it hard

Drama “Good Luck Guys”: – Made it hard

On October 25, the third season of Good Luck Guys will premiere on Amazon Prime Video. There, twelve new participants will be able to test their limits.

That's why I went

The scorching heat in Malaysia, coupled with food shortages and extremely poor conditions, takes its toll. So perhaps it's no surprise that the fuse gets shorter and the mood gets hotter – at least when you also have to compete against each other.

It was dramatic, we think, one participant said. Not because of the competition itself, but because of the behavior of the other participants.

conversation: Sebastian Breivik, known as “Paris Breivik,” was furious when the first competition in “Good Luck Guys” didn't go as planned. Video: “Good Luck Guys” / Prime Video / Red Runner.
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– It's clear that some of the participants were very out of their minds growing up, and they completely lack common sense. So you could say it was a challenge, Kai Thomas “Skrillex” Larsen (38) tells Se og Hør.

With: Kai Thomas Larsen is among the participants. Here with partner Celine Lee. Photo: Prime Video Norway.

With: Kai Thomas Larsen is among the participants. Here with partner Celine Lee. Photo: Prime Video Norway.
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– One participant caused so much chaos, and was so rude, that almost all the other participants didn't want to start recording if that person was still allowed to participate, he reveals more.

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Larsen did not reveal the name of the participant he was talking about, but said it was no big secret who the participant was.

“I heard that there were some incidents and people who made it a bit difficult for others,” says presenter Iselin Guttormsen, 37.

Program Director: Iselin Guttormsen leads this year's season. Photo: Prime Video Norway.

Program Director: Iselin Guttormsen leads this year's season. Photo: Prime Video Norway.
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However, she says she was unable to see it up close, due to her role in the production.

– Every time I met the gang, everyone was acting professional and polite, but they were honest about certain things and there was a temperature between them. But I think it's not so strange for so many strong characters to live together and compete against each other in high temperatures, little food and poor sleep.

behind: The Norwegian reality scandal show “Good Luck Guys” is back with a new season. The season will premiere on Prime Video on November 10. Video: Prime Video / Red Runner.
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Se og Hør has been in contact with Mastiff, which produces the series for Prime Video. In an email, producer Morten Mjønes wrote:

“We can confirm that there was a partial rise in temperature among the participants during the taping of the upcoming season of Good Luck Guys,” said the producer. “The combination of difficult challenges, little food and extremely hot weather can lead to heightened emotions. It must be difficult to be involved in this concept, and it is certainly exciting to see how different types of people react under these miserable circumstances.”

- He was sent to the emergency room.

– He was sent to the emergency room.

He doesn't want to go into detail about what kind of arguments and drama involved.

“We are sure that the third season of Good Luck Guys will be very exciting for the viewers. The premiere will be on October 25. I don’t want to say anything more about the content.

bloody: It gets dramatic when Snorri Clandrod, or “Snorribus,” hurts his foot in the second episode of Season 2 of “Good Luck Guys.” Video: “Good Luck Guys” / Prime Video / Red Runner.
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These are the participating couples:

  • Kevin Lauren (36) and Caroline Netter (26)
  • Even Kvam (26) and Helen Hema (27)
  • Gabrielle Gebreslas and Janet Elise Hildebrandt
  • Adrian Sillyfull (26) and Aurora Goode (32)
  • Owen Krug (28) and Frida Holund (28)
  • Kai Thomas “Skrillex” Larsen (38) and Celine Lee
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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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