– We have no one to lose

– We have no one to lose

Two people were confirmed dead Monday afternoon after a microplane crashed near Opdal Airport. Photo: Torrey Meyrick

The aviation community and the Norwegian Air Sports Association react to the figures.

According to statistics from the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority, in the past ten years, there have been seven fatal accidents involving registered microplanes in Norway.

11 people lost their lives in seven accidents.

On Monday afternoon, the statistics were updated when a microplane crashed on the E6 in Opdal, Trøndelag. Two local people in their 50s died in the accident.

– This is a very high number. One is too much. John Eric Lapsa says we have no one to lose.

Photo by John Eric Lapsa

– Our thoughts go out to the victims. Both the family, the local environment and the aviation environment in the area.

read more: Two people died in the crash of Microplane E6

The groom died at the bachelor party

It has been fourteen years since the last accident at Opddal Airport.

What was supposed to be a sweet bachelor party ended in tragedy on 10 July 2010.

Both pilot and groom lost their lives. Four members of the stock party witnessed the accident.

This crash also involved a microplane, and the Accident Investigation Board concluded that misjudgment was the cause of the fatal accident.

The report also showed that the prevailing wind conditions at the site and the aircraft's loss of speed after a steep climb were also a contributing factor.

An accident investigation board is working to determine the cause of Monday's plane crash in Optal. Photo: Naina Helen Jama / VG

Considered a no-fly zone

Despite the numbers, General Secretary Loupsa believes it is safe to fly with microplanes.

– As long as you follow all the laws, rules and learn how to do it, and show respect for the weather and wind, it's a safe and well-run business.

Still, he says, there have been more accidents with microplanes than with certified planes.

– Differential construction, controls and maintenance requirements.

In the past, the NLF has adopted flight bans following some serious accidents. Loupsa says this was considered after the accident at Optal.

– This is a thought that is always considered when an accident occurs, but we do not see now that it would be the right course of action.

While awaiting details on the course of events, the plan is to continue public safety work.

– sad

Kjeller Sportsflyklubb is one of the biggest clubs in the country. The group's leader, Guy Andre Fegri, believes it is no longer safe to fly microplanes.

– As good as flying. The procedures are very strict, but you can carry out the work on the plane yourself.

He describes the flying environment as small, and says that accident information is important to flying clubs.

– The incident is thought provoking. It would have been absolutely terrifying in one's own club, and even more terrifying when it affected others. This is absolutely tragic.

Photo by Guy Andre Fegri

Sportsflyklubben Opddal and the Norwegian Air Sports Association would like to further support their safety work.

He feels that after many accidents and a lot of media coverage, there is more focus on environmental protection.

– Security has been strengthened. Most clubs look out for each other. We hold annual Air Insurance meetings together.

Also, it will be important for Fekri and Flight Club to learn from such events.

– We need to get more information, process and learn from the incident.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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