Triggered after the IShowSpeed ​​debacle in Oslo

Triggered after the IShowSpeed ​​debacle in Oslo

– Many comments are blatantly racist. This is just nonsense and leads to nothing. TikToker Embrette Haldammen tells VG that they don't belong anywhere.

He has more than 85,000 followers on the platform and was accompanied by YouTube star IShowSpeed ​​when he took over the center of Oslo on Wednesday.

Videos abound on TikTok showing hundreds of youngsters flinging the superstar. Many people tear his shirt and pull his hair.

Young people take pictures on their phones while the YouTube celebrity tries to navigate through the chaos of the crowd.

The YouTube star, whose real name is Darren Jason Watkins Jr., later said he did not want to return to Norway.

– Norway is the worst country. It is very good.

At the same time a superstar Streamed The whole thing, take it in the comments.

While many responded to the youth's behavior, many commented on the backgrounds of those who came.

“Where is this in Somalia?”, writes one.

“You are not in Norway in Africa,” writes another.

One user writes: “So Norway isn't a country where people have blonde hair and blue eyes?”

– It cannot be concealed that the majority were of foreign origin. Haldammen says I am one of them.

– Do the comments resonate with you?

– Not necessarily, because I know very well what I did and where I was. But it is a great pity that everyone is cut with the same comb. Many people behaved and wanted to catch a glimpse of IShowSpeed.

Viji also had to take action:

– On the first video posted on SoMe, we had to close the comment section. In the next video, we had to be very moderate and it was closed at night.

– There were many racist and ugly comments that were directed at the youth there. These kinds of comments are completely unacceptable, and we report on the users behind them, says VG's news editor Dora Bakke Hundlikken.

– Unfortunate situation

Several popular profiles have responded to the frenzy since the star's arrival.

– Why are all immigrants in Norway collectively to blame for what happened yesterday, wrote Jawad El Baghali behind the account @utlendingmemes on X.

Haldammen believes this is an unfortunate situation, which he says affects other young Norwegians with immigrant backgrounds.

– A section of society already associated with bad things is now put in an even worse light. I think it's crazy because there are so many good things about that part of society.

Photo: Fredrik Varfjell / NTB

He points out that the reactions would have been different if the people in the chaos in the center of Oslo that day had been mainly white people from Perum.

– but I've also seen genuine comments from people who don't think it's strange that people have strong prejudices now.

IShowSpeed ​​managed to buy himself a Viking helmet, hammer and shield before he was ushered through the crowd. Photo: IShowSpeed ​​/ Youtube

– There is no excuse for what happened, and it doesn't help that many people have previous prejudices. They have put themselves and others in very unfortunate situations.

– First, sadness

A recurring comment is “Vote Frp” – a phrase of some sort remember In the TikTok universe.

TV profiler Safari Shabani jumped on the trend and posted a TikTok on Thursday with the message “FrP for Life”. Within 24 hours, the video has received around 250,000 plays and has garnered a lot of attention in the comments section.

In the video where he asks, “FrP, where were you when you needed speed,” Profile explains that the down-tuned piano cover of Say Something has plenty of dissonance. Comedy.

Photo by Safari Shabani

But he has a message for those involved and contributing to the messy situation:

– First of all, it's sad to see people behaving like that. Shaban says they have to be tough because what they are doing can destroy many people.

He explains the message “FrP for life” with humor and seriousness.

– Now if the FRP comes and sets stricter immigration rules, we will know why, Shaban says.

Photo: IShowSpeed ​​/ Youtube

The YouTube and TV personality refrains from inciting generalizations against people of minority backgrounds, but understands that scenes on the streets of Oslo evoke reactions.

– I am not responsible for the comments in the comments section, but I understand where it is coming from.

When asked if he would actually vote for the FrP, Shabani was uncertain.

– I need to read more about what they mean. Now I use them mostly in a “comedy setting”.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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