Joe Biden's Doctor Met With Parkinson's Expert – Dagsavisen

Joe Biden's Doctor Met With Parkinson's Expert – Dagsavisen

– Listen, I take a cognitive test every day. Every day, everything I do. “I'm not just running a campaign, I'm running the world,” Joe Biden said in an interview with the magazine. News lettersThe current president was supposed to assure the American people that he was mentally prepared for another four years, after a “disastrous” performance in the presidential debate against Donald Trump.

Journalist George Stephanopoulos asked whether Biden would be willing to take neurological and cognitive testing and release the results. Biden said it was not necessary, but speculation about the 81-year-old president’s health has mounted since the June 27 debate. The White House and the president himself have repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

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But it has now emerged that Biden's doctor had several meetings with a Parkinson's expert, The Guardian and many other media outlets write.

The New York Post looked at the White House visit log and found that Dr. Kevin Canard visited the clinic there eight times from August 2023 to his last visit on Jan. 17, 2024.

It will raise questions.

According to the Guardian, the eight visits by the Parkinson's disease expert will certainly raise more questions about Biden's mental abilities.

And here at home, there has been speculation about whether Biden has Parkinson's disease.

– It seems quite confusing and confusing. Not the whole debate, but in a few cases. If you think about what fits him best, it's a neurological disease that can fit into Parkinson's disease, said Geir Selback, professor of geriatrics at UiO. To NRK after the presidential debate.

Parkinson's disease

  • It is a chronic neurological disease that causes the body to gradually lose the ability to move normally.
  • Typical symptoms are slow movements, tremors, and muscle stiffness and can also include cognitive challenges and more.
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Source: Healthcare

Since 2012, Dr. Kevin Canard has served as a neurologist in the White House Medical Unit and has published scientific articles on Parkinson's disease, with a focus on the early stages of the brain disease.

After the annual health check-up After Biden's death in February, the president's physician concluded that Biden was healthy, active, and strong and still able to successfully carry out the duties of the presidency.

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Biden's Big Mistakes

The president has long been known for his blunders and verbal gaffes, but after the debate against Trump, they came under increased scrutiny. During a radio interview on Thursday, for example, Biden promised to beat Trump in “2020,” and appeared to confuse him with Vice President Kamala Harris.

And he said, “By the way, I'm proud to be the first black woman to work for a black president.” According to the Telegraph.

This appears to be a reference to his tenure as vice president under Barack Obama and Kamala Harris's tenure as vice president.

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The Guardian recently published Overview All the times Biden has spoken incorrectly, what they call warning signs that go back many years.

For example, in March 2022, during his State of the Union address on Capitol Hill, he said “Iranian” when he meant “Ukraine,” “America” when he meant “Delaware,” and “profits” when he meant “prices.”

Many have argued that Biden is too old to serve a second term, and that his repeated public missteps could simply hand victory to Trump.

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Former New York Times editor-in-chief Jill Abramson recently signed on. Semaphore News PlatformJournalists have failed in their primary responsibility, which is to convey the truth and hold power accountable.

– President Biden must be held accountable for his apparent lapses in mental acuity, even if there were periods of clarity. I wrote that it is simply amazing that the entire country, including the most experienced reporters, was as shocked as everyone else by the ugly and painful truth of Biden’s debate performance.

Journalist Adam the servant The Atlantic recently wrote that “Biden should resign as president.”

– The American right has spent every day since Biden’s nomination in 2020 portraying him as an old, incompetent fool, incapable of carrying out the responsibilities of the office. Biden’s mission during the first presidential debate on Thursday was to dismiss these allegations as smears, as he did in 2020. Instead, he asserted that he had aged significantly over the past four years, he wrote.

– Joe Biden should resign as president. The last person to do so was Richard Nixon, who resigned in disgrace after abusing his office. Nixon was forced to resign because he led an assault on American democracy. Biden should resign for the opposite reason: to give American democracy the best chance of survival.

The first lady asked to run an election campaign.

The Biden campaign has unveiled an extensive battle plan for July, including a number of trips to all key states, NTB writes.

Biden is scheduled to travel to Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on Sunday.

Biden's wife, first lady Jill Biden, is expected to campaign for her husband in Georgia, Florida and North Carolina on Monday. He will then take a break from the campaign trail to prepare for the NATO summit in Washington, D.C., while his wife encourages Biden to continue campaigning.

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The NATO summit begins on Tuesday, and Biden will have to reassure European allies at a time when many of them fear a Donald Trump victory in the November presidential election. For other countries, the consequences could be dire.

Trump has long been a critic of the defense alliance and believes the United States is carrying too much of the burden.

– Best for the country

But there is also disagreement within the Democratic Party about Biden’s ability to serve as president, and so far, five Democratic lawmakers have asked him to step down.

“I think this is going to be a very critical week,” Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy told CNN on Sunday. Murphy is a Biden ally who still believes he can win the election.

But Murphy believes the president should do more to reassure voters.

– If he cannot do that, then of course he must make a decision about what is best for the country.

Chef believes in Harris

Democrat Adam Schiff says he believes fellow party member and Vice President Kamala Harris would have won in a landslide against Trump had she run for president.

“I think Kamala Harris could win in a landslide, but before we make a decision about who that will be, the president has to make a decision if it’s him,” Democratic Representative Adam Schiff told NBC News on Sunday.

Moreover, he says that current President Joe Biden must either win, or pass the baton to someone who can win.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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