Parkinson's expert visits White House

Parkinson's expert visits White House

Several US media outlets have reported that a Parkinson's disease expert has visited the White House several times this year. We will see you.

Neurologist Kevin Canard visited the White House eight times last year, visit records show.

The meetings were with Biden's regular physician, Kevin O'Connor.

In harsh weather after discussion

Following the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump over the weekend, questions have been swirling about Biden’s health. Many Democrats believe he is unfit and should withdraw as a presidential candidate.

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Biden and his team explained the sickening display by saying he was tired after traveling and had caught a cold during the famous debate.

Professor of geriatrics Geir Selbak at the University of Oslo spoke about Biden's apparent condition to NRK after the debate against Donald Trump a week and a half ago.

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“It seems quite confusing and disorganized. Not the whole discussion, but a few cases. If you think about what fits him best, it’s a neurological disease that can fit with Parkinson’s,” Selback said.


Parkinsonism is the term given to symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease, but it can also have other causes. According to NHI Symptoms of Parkinson's disease can include slow, rigid movements, problems with balance, and tremors. Some medications and other neurological conditions can also cause symptoms.

Every February, a report on the president's health is published. Parkinson's disease is not mentioned, but NRK notes that it is dealing with the president's sleep apnea.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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