Bruce Springsteen Concert: – Husband's Last Wish:

Bruce Springsteen Concert: – Husband's Last Wish:


  • Jorun Igelsrud, 63, lost her husband in December. Before his death, he had bought tickets to a Bruce Springsteen concert in Odense.
  • Hours before the concert, Jorunn had not received tickets from supplier Gigsberg, despite repeated attempts to contact him.

His last wish was for me to come to the party.

Jorun Igelsrud, 63, lost her husband suddenly in December last year. Shortly before his death, he had ordered tickets for a Bruce Springsteen concert in Odense, Denmark, on Tuesday, July 9.

The star is ready to play for several thousand tonight, but most likely without Goron in the audience.

large crowds

Seeing their great idol perform live has been a common desire of the couple for a long time. When the couple finally got the tickets before Christmas last year, the joy was great.

Come see and win

The couple occasionally went to concerts together, and this was likely to be one of their last concerts together, due to ill health.

“We had something to look forward to,” says Joron.

Dagbladet presented Springsteen's first concert at Voldsløkka in Oslo last year, the fifth tour.

Difficult process

Shortly after booking the tickets, her husband died. Tickets for the concert – which had been emailed to him – were hard to come by.

Old Heat: Bruce Springsteen is an artist many grew up with. He is currently on tour and playing Tuesday nights in Denmark. Here he is from Oslo last year. Photo: John T. Pedersen/Dagbladet

Old Heat: Bruce Springsteen is an artist many grew up with. He is currently on tour and playing Tuesday nights in Denmark. Here he is from Oslo last year. Photo: John T. Pedersen/Dagbladet
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“We contacted both Ticketmaster in Norway and Denmark, but they referred us to Gigsberg, the ticket supplier,” says Jorunn.

– It was difficult to transfer the tickets to my account, but I was promised that they would arrive in time.

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Time passed and the tickets did not arrive.

The 63-year-old traveled with his sister to Odense, hoping she would get the tickets in time. Now she sits and waits, hoping she and her sister can experience her husband's last wish.

But hope is fading more and more.

“The concert is tonight and we still don’t have tickets,” she says. “It looks dark.”

Peace in front of thousands

Peace in front of thousands

Dagbladet has seen documentation of a conversation between ticket supplier Gigsberg and Jorunn Igelsrud, which confirms that tickets for tonight's concert have been purchased.

Jorunn and the family have been in frequent dialogue with the ticket supplier in recent months. Gigsberg claimed that Igelsrud would have received the tickets no later than Tuesday morning, just hours before the concert.

– means a lot

The case involved the entire family, and both the daughter and son were in contact with Gigsberg via email.

Taking Action After Springsteen Concert

Taking Action After Springsteen Concert

– There was a lot of management. The kids were worried that I should be able to do this.

– How much does this mean to you?

“It means a lot,” she concluded. “This was supposed to be the icing on the cake, and my late husband’s last wish was for me to attend the concert.”

Dagbladet tried to contact the ticket supplier Gigsberg, but to no avail.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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