A better world for sustainability

A better world for sustainability

A day rich in guests and messages to come quella del convegnoRom-E Talk: An aspect of support“He si è friend’s tent and his fat is aperto The event is supported by DC Over the past year this has led to a green transformation in some places in the square and better places in the Eternal City, but at the same time it has allowed the citizens to have a tougher relationship with a more political approach to transmit to all future generations. Room-E For this primary goal, it should be an event you should serve to see everything that means transition, renewable energy sources are renewable as well as mobility. He convegno, he si svolto presso la Casa del Cinema and Villa Borghese, It was also broadcast live from the site www.rom-e.it.

Specialty establishments and additions to clothing that are supported by little to no moderate effort at the moment Ivan Zazzaroni, Director of Sport Estadio, Andrea Brambilla, Director of Automotive Management, Pasquale Di Santillo, Deputy Director of Automotive, Coadiuvati dalla conductor Roberta Lanfranchi.

Sports and strength at steady state

See Senator Claudio BarbaroUndersecretary of the Ministry of Environment, Security and Energy, opened his doors with his intervention in the conference, and the daily life management committee saw the protagonist Andrea Abudi, Minister of Sports of Giovanni. Espresso has dedicated itself to the concept of esports and sustainability, as well as its own vision: This sport is not a good, or better, certificate, and it may be influential Che debbiemo show away. Why don’t we buy anything else on the market? This is what made me face the energy crisis. More than 80% of sports facilities in Italy are inactive. This is not education for sustainability, it is not environmentally friendly in terms of speed and economic point of view of difficulties and difficult administrations. Look at the priority and building support capacity, and we must realize our responsibility as a government and an institution. Environment and sports are a target, we must start a long journey and trust in what we believe. I, Giovanni, ask all private schools in the institutions to allow me to practice sports.”. Un message call che in practice has riassunto quanto scaturito dal convengo. Overo I’m new and I’m in charge of this Pianeta We must change the way we act to preserve it.

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L’impegno del Governo and not solo

Illustrated research from PwC Ilaria Mattana, Senior Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers Italy, I focused on what point the company spends on support and what future operations are. In Italy, in 2022, approximately 86.7 billion euros were spent in this sector, and the National Research and Resources Program has funds of 750 billion euros. “The future of our country is much more than that PNRR It is growing and increasing with Resources and funds for energy transformation. “It gives consumers the convenience and tools to drive greater transparency and accountability on certain issues.” Three business managers come together with the theme of support in their reality. Dino Minichetti, D. Vercam, Massimiliano Montefusco, RDS and Vincenzo Soria DV Marin from Azimut/Bennett1. The Future Energy Commission has entered into a debate at the heart of the debate, thanks to Prof. Livio De Santoli, Provost of the University of La Sapienza, Prof. Pietro Botti, President of GME and Energy Market Director, Alessandro Sabini, Public Affair di Eni and EniLive and Director of Il Tempo Davide Vecchi.

Rome, the green capital

This is a good time for the topic of mobility transition as well as the presence of the resident in the Roma community movement, Eugenio Bataan: “Technology encourages the concept of multimedia to provide more support on an ongoing basis. Service is also smooth and courageous, like the largest low emission zone in Europe due to the mobility and all-round visibility. Louie deceives Sol with the money Andrea Cardinale, Director General of UNRAE, Chi Ha confirms: “The goal is what is carbon, but not to confuse the quality of the music, and not to cause any confusion. “Electric technology is more mature, but it will only last so far if the car box is to remain invested from then on.” With them are Simone Lo Piccolo di CA Auto Bank Italia and Stefano Mori di A2A.

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Automotive commitment

Spazio anche every auto con situation Numerous interventions by Marco Saltalamacchia, Kolliker, Luca Vetrone, Toyota, Giuseppe Galassi, Fiat Italia, Massimo Nalli, Suzuki, Giovanni Falcone, Citroen and Massimo De Torre from the DR Automobiles group. The Ad Hoc Committee on Youth and the Environment was created in collaboration with the Earth Day Association and is moderated by Fiorella Corrado, Capo Ufficio Stampa e Comunicazione del Ministero Ambiente e Sicurezza Energetica.

La Salvaguardia del Oceano

A board dedicated to all ocean and sea rescue activities, where you will see interventions Alessandra Bianchi, Comone di Genova Sports Advisor, Max SerenaThe leader and team principal of Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli, Richard Presius, President of The Ocean Race, and Andrea Frignani from Kiai, President of the CetaceaSauro Pari Foundation. The leader of Luna Rossa has this appearance: “He primo mea culpa dobbiamo Farlo noi. I A mare and a mutant, quello che butti prima o poi torna indietro. Dobbiamo diventare più educati noi. Lo sport is the best promotional way to launch a strong message. “In some parts of the world, fishermen have stopped fishing and started collecting plastic, and this gives an idea of ​​the situation.”.

L’Assessore Bianchi and Richard Brisius hanno racconto della Carta dei Diritti basic degli Oceani The latest data from the Genova City Commission and The Ocean Race has been provided worldwide. The Assessor Bianchi has this information: “Operation Genova is a process that is moving forward at an accelerated pace, and it is just the beginning of what we have to innovate Portare al riconosciento dei diritti degli of Oceania. An initial charter has been created that includes institutions, such as the United Nations, and all other actors in this game. Gain status at the international level with the most talented city. “Because the mare this year is an important element, and starting this mission goes back to Genova, which is stronger than the duality of the mare.”

Brisius concluded:The ocean is the most important place on our planet, It produces the bulk of oxygen and hosts the bulk of biodiversity. “Ogni goccia d’acqua su questo pianeta viene dall’oceano”. It is not easy to come to a single conclusion for an important conversation with interlocutors of this level. Future energy sources will be diverse and may not be exclusively green, Not only is transmission going electric, it also offers a great deal of support and carbon neutrality You don’t have to worry about contributing.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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