TRONDHEIM (Dagbladet): Petter Northug (37) shocked everyone last week, when he showed good form at Blinkfestivalen in Sandnes, finishing third on the long run won by Andrew Musgrave.
– He’s losing his head. It’s been a while since he’s been on the podium, so he’s got one at the Blink Festival now, says Even Northug, when Dagbladet interviewed him in connection with the national team’s media meeting in Trondheim.

Petter and Even Northug regarding selection to the National Cross Country Team earlier this year. Photo: Lars Thomas Nordby/NTB
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Although his younger brother Northug thinks his older brother trains well, he has no doubts that the former world number one can train better.
– When you are as good as him, there is some lactate in the body, so he may need less training than another skier.
– If training starts really well, it can be really scary in the long run, continues younger brother Northug.

– I can’t live normally
Peters’ former coach, and now women’s national cross-country coach, Stig Ron Kevin, believes his former student should stick to cross-country skiing, and he’s already reported that it’s completely unrelated to the upcoming water cycle.
– I can conclude now that he won’t be cycle-friendly in 2025, says Kveen, who at the same time very much appreciates that the former ski king is eyeing the cross-country environment.
Even he himself is sure that his older brother will stick to the long-distance circus.
– That’s what he said himself, that cross-country skiing is for those who are not up to ordinary cross-country skiing and retirees, and he falls into the category of retirees. That’s why he does long-distance runs, he says, before continuing:
– I’m starting to give him some advice about pension savings etc, but that’s probably why he has to start running long distances, so that he has to get some income again.
“Infuriatingly humble internet trailblazer. Twitter buff. Beer nerd. Bacon scholar. Coffee practitioner.”