A man in Oak Gardens has been charged with robbing an elderly woman

A man in Oak Gardens has been charged with robbing an elderly woman

– He was stopped with a lot of stolen goods.

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On Tuesday afternoon, the police arrested a man at Tjeldstø in Øygarden, who informed X. He allegedly stole a mobile phone and bank card.

According to Ingeborg Drægebø, the police prosecutor on duty, the man is in his early 20s and is well known to the police. When he was arrested, he appeared intoxicated, she says.

– He must have tried to break into a spar shop in the area. There he is stopped by a way. Those who see him tell the same description police use when they see the man elsewhere nearby.

He allegedly threatened an elderly woman

Later in the afternoon, the police got a tip-off that he had allegedly broken into an elderly woman's house.

– Based on the descriptions, he was accused of robbery there, says Trejbe.

He also says that the patrolman who was there spoke to the old woman.

– Trajebo says she appeared physically unharmed, but must have been subjected to threats.

He was arrested on Tuesday evening and has been taken into custody.

– Tomorrow we will assess whether he should be imprisoned, says Trejbo.

– Stopped a lot

First, he was arrested because of his risk of recidivism and because the police wanted to get a statement from him before doing anything more, he says.

– He ended up with a lot of stolen property, which is being returned to the rightful owners, says Trejbe.

He says he doesn't have an overview of what he's wearing, but he's stopped by many that he doesn't own.

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– The man has been charged with theft, theft, attempted theft and vandalism. All from the same incident. Trajebo says he was the only one who operated alone.

He hasn't been assigned a guardian yet, but Trejbo says he will put him in touch with one.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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