Addresses rumours

Addresses rumours

The sixth and final season of “The Crown” will premiere next November. The famous series is based on true stories from the British royal family.

Although the premiere won’t take place until November, clips from the upcoming season still end up in the lap of the British media.

Now the creator of the blockbuster, Peter Morgan, is speaking out about the leaked clips and rumors that have made headlines.

Season 5 ended on a cliffhanger

So far, viewers have followed the royal family from the wedding of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in 1947, all the way to 1997 – the year Princess Diana died.

The Wedding: Matt Smith as Prince Philip and Claire Foy as Queen Elizabeth in The Crown's remake of the 1947 royal wedding. Photo: Alex Bailey/Netflix/Kobal/REX/NTB.

The Wedding: Matt Smith as Prince Philip and Claire Foy as Queen Elizabeth in The Crown’s remake of the 1947 royal wedding. Photo: Alex Bailey/Netflix/Kobal/REX/NTB.
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Season 5 begins with the death of the princess, but ends in 1997 as Princess Diana packs her bags to go to Saint-Tropez, France.

She had already been spotted in Saint-Tropez with her alleged lover, Dodi Al-Fayed, just over a month before the tragic, fatal accident that shook the world.

A controversial scene appears

A controversial scene appears

Al-Fayed is said to have dated the princess in the period leading up to the fatal accident. The character is played by Khaled Abdullah and is introduced in the series’ fifth season.

attention! Spoilers below!

Elizabeth Debicki: The actress plays Princess Diana in the final seasons of the series

Elizabeth Debicki: The actress plays Princess Diana in the final seasons of “The Crown.” Photo: Joel C. Ryan/NTB.
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The makers of the series confirmed that the princess and Al-Fayed will die in the sixth season.

Addresses ghost rumors

Only a small group of people have been given a sneak peek at season six of the royal drama.

However, this has not stopped the English media from getting their claws into clips from next season.

Season six of the popular series will include a scene in which Prince Charles, played by Dominic West, flies the princess from Paris to London after her death.

Peter Morgan: The creator of The Crown reveals new details about the final season of The Crown.  Photo: John Stillwell/NTB.

Peter Morgan: The creator of The Crown reveals new details about the final season of The Crown. Photo: John Stillwell/NTB.
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The newspaper reported that the prince will have a conversation with the imagined Diana in the leaked scene diverse.

In the same episode, “Fairy Diana” will appear again, then in a scene with Queen Elizabeth, played by Imelda Staunton.

Peter Morgan, the creator of the drama series, said in an interview with the magazine that Diana will not act like something “supernatural” and that she will not appear as a “ghost.”

– It should seem like Diana still lives on as a sobering memory of those she left behind.

Moreover, he says that the princess was unique, and she also inspired him to find unique ways to portray her in the series.

“She deserved special treatment in the story,” Morgan tells Variety.

It was launched in two parts

Netflix announced The final season of “The Crown” is divided into two parts.

The first part will address the relationship between the princess and Al-Fayed before the fatal car accident. The second part will deal with the period following the tragedy that befell the royal family.

Lily (21 years old) was found murdered in the school toilet

Lily (21 years old) was found murdered in the school toilet

We’ll also meet two brand new actors this season:

Ed McPhee will play Prince William, and Meg Bellamy will play Kate Middleton.

The first part of the final season of the Netflix series hits screens on November 16.

New cast: Ed McPhee and Meg Bellamy filming Season 6 of The Crown.  Photo: Andrew Milligan/NTB.

New cast: Ed McPhee and Meg Bellamy filming Season 6 of The Crown. Photo: Andrew Milligan/NTB.
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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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