Ten Norwegian wild deer areas have been reviewed, but none of them are standard.
It completes one Report From a National Expert Group.
In the mountains, cabins and hydroelectric development for reindeer meet meets everything from skiing trails and roads. But Norway has a high standard for wild deer and for the first time the situation in parts of Norway was reviewed:
Four areas are of medium quality and six are rated “bad”.
The message from Ellen Hambro, director of the Norwegian Environmental Institute, is clear: “The alarm is really red for wild deer in Norway and the rest of the wild deer in Europe.”
- Good quality (green): No.
- Medium grade (yellow): Forollhogna, Sølnkletten, Reinheimen-Breheimen and Setesdal Austhei. According to the rules, the medium should be considered as an approved quantity.
- Poor quality (red): Nutshow, Snowhetta, Rondon, Nordfjella, Hortangarvita and Sedestal Rifle.
By 2021, wild deer will be added to the Red List of Endangered Species.
Rondan is highlighted as one of the areas with the biggest challenges.
– These are created for transportation and fragmentation due to other infrastructure such as roads and cabins, hotels, tourist rooms, marked lanes and embellished ski lanes. Rondan has many important hiking spots, and tourism is the most important part of the business site in the region, the panel points out.
– There is an urgent need for action
The next step may be a plan on how to improve the quality of the six “bad” areas.
– Implementation of measures is urgent, writes Humbro in a press release at the Norwegian Environmental Institute.
The other 14 wild reindeer areas in Norway will be reviewed later.
– We know that degradation and disruption of human activity can have a major negative impact on land use and the chances of migration of wild deer. The National Expert Group says poor habitat is often the deciding factor for areas classified as red, writes Humphroy.
Two “red” areas, Hortangarvita and Nordfgella, faced challenges with poor scrapie scores on health. In Nordfjella, hundreds of wild deer were taken out Due to fear of scrabble.
– In addition, the weight of the carcass is decisive in three red areas, the Norwegian Environmental Agency points out.
They expect climate change to create more challenges for wild deer in the future. In Trams and Finmark Climate change has led to a crisis in the deer breeding industry.
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