Alerts about empty store shelves before Christmas

Alerts about empty store shelves before Christmas

Production and shipping problems all over the world.

A number of international media have warned against delaying the purchase of Christmas gifts due to the import crisis.

The crisis will also affect Norway, says Olaf Chen, head of global allocation and interest rates at Stockbrand.

– We’ve seen trends for a long time internationally. Some things will be sold out, but it’s hard to say which products we’re talking about. What makes it difficult is that different commodities contain ingredients so small that you can fully rely on them. If this is missing, the goods will not be produced and then prices will also rise. Products with foreign ingredients may disappear quickly.

The pandemic is to blame for massive shipping and production problems. There have been reports of missing shipping containers, meaning things are not arriving on time and prices are accelerating, and many products have been difficult, if not impossible, to source.

In the US, shipping issues are so noted that the hashtag #EmptyShelvesJoe is trending on Twitter, according to New York Post. They write that not only are dozens of ships stuck in a traffic jam outside California, thus goods such as toasters, sneakers, bikes and cars are delayed, but the price of children’s toys has gone up by as much as 10 percent.

The lost Playstation 5 saga doesn’t seem to end in the near future, and the graphics card drought will follow us until 2022. It might also indicate that microchips do, giving rise to a number of new cars that buyers will have to wait for much longer than originally planned. his car.

This is among the reasons why the media like wiredAnd Bloomberg And CNBC Now cries of warnings for the Christmas gift shop. Wired explicitly encourages consumers to start their Christmas shopping right now, while CNBC writes that you should be more careful to get the good deals, as there will likely be a long way between.

Among the goods that will come under heavy pressure, the electronics supply, with everything involved in computers, game consoles, vehicles and home appliances, was highlighted, according to the CNBC.

Nordic’s Director of Communications at Power, Siri Røhr-Staff, acknowledges that this will affect Norway as well.

There is no doubt that there are challenges with both production and shipping around the world now, and that of course will affect us in Norway as well, Røhr-Staff wrote in an email to Tek.

– Due to the large stock and large purchases, we have good items for both Black Friday and Christmas. But there is some uncertainty and limited access to certain items, such as select TV models, game consoles, kitchen machines, etc., says Røhr-Staff.

Elkjøp and Komplett also admit that there are some products that will be hard to come by for Christmas, especially the PS5 they both write in an email to

Sebina S. Stegavik, a communications consultant at Elkjøp, believes they should still be well prepared for their Christmas shopping.

– Of course the most popular items shortage will be tested due to the lack of ingredients in the world. This means that sometimes some types of our merchandise will run out. Fortunately, we already have a lot in our warehouse. So we do what we can to ensure that the Norwegian consumer gets the goods they need, says Stejavec.

Complete appears to be less annoying than Power and Elkjøp, although they also indicate long-term charging problems.

Delivery issues with video cards, Xbox and Playstation 5 are a long-standing and persistent problem for everyone in our industry, but with a wide range of products and good access to products, we can promise our customers that there will be plenty of “hard packages” under the Christmas trees for this year, writes Kristen Hovland, director of communications at Komplett.

It might be appropriate to start a Christmas gift shop a month earlier than December, we have to believe Røhr-Staff, who when asked when to start answering “is likely to be outside a little earlier than usual”.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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